
Capitolo di Investitura Cavalieri Templari Dianum, OSMTHU

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Il Balivato del Vallo di Diano ha tenuto una cerimonia di investitura,presieduta dal Priore Generale d’Italia OSMTHU, fratello Domenico Romano. Il Maestro Antonio era presente.

La cerimonia è stata ospitata dal Sindaco del Comune di Montesanto sulla Marcellana,in provincia di Salerno. Ha fatto seguito un agape fraterna.

Cavalaria do Templo em festa na boa terra de Alcochete

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Em comemoração dos seus 30 anos de actividade, o Grão Priorado de Portugal da OSMTHU mandou que se montasse Capítulo do seu Ramo Secular em Alcochete no dia 20 de Abril, para proceder à distinção e reconhecimento do trabalho altruísta e empreendedor de várias figuras daquele foro, bem como para proceder à armação de quatro novos membros da Ordem.

A reunião teve lugar na antiga Igreja da Misericórdia, junto ao rio Tejo, edifício histórico datado do século XVI, erguido sobre a capela associada ao antigo Paço Real, residência dos Duques de Beja, casa eleita pela corte para momentos de lazer desde o reinado de Dom João I e onde terá nascido o próprio Rei Dom Manuel I. Ali está situado actualmente o Núcleo de Arte Sacra do Museu Municipal de Alcochete.

O dia iniciou-se pela manhã, com a Velada de Armas e Instrução da Cavalaria, ocasião em que foram feitas as habituais advertências aos postulantes, recordando-lhes a vida sob a Regra Latina na época medieval e explicados os preceitos da Cavalaria do Templo. Pela tarde o Capítulo foi aberta na sua forma tradicional, dando entrada aos inúmeros convidados e público que se dispôs a assistir, a todos os que seriam agraciados, aos membros da Ordem e por últimos aos Oficiais, que incluíam os Comendadores, de Sintra, F+ Paulo Valente, KCTJ, Laccobriga KCTJ, F+ Victor Varela Martins KCTJ, Lisboa Colina das Chagas, Fr+ Fernando Silva KCTJ e Lisboa Colina de Santa Catarina, S+ Susana Ferreira DCTJ, o Grande Senescal Fr+ Paulo Fernandes KGOTJ e o Grande Preceptor, Fr+ José C. Mateus KGOTJ, bem como a Preceptora do Porto – São João, S+ Paula Mateus, DTJ. Estiveram ainda presentes o Grão Prior de Espanha da OSMTH, Fr+ Fancisco Miguel Caballero e o Grão Mestre da Ordem de São Miguel da Ala, Dom Nuno Maria de Bragança e Bourbon Cabral da Camara Pereira. O Capítulo estava lotado, agradecendo-se aos voluntários que acederam a acompanhar os trabalhos em pé.

Foi explicado aos postulantes que uma das funções da Cavalaria – e por maior razão da Cavalaria Templária – é “dar voz aos que não são ouvidos, destacar os que são escondidos, dar força aos que não têm amparo e esperança aos que desesperam”, nobre tarefa que implica levar uma luz, um verdadeiro foco de atenção para situações que, de outro modo, passam ignoradas. “Num mundo em que tantos acrescentam um zero à esquerda, é nossa missão acrescentar zeros à direita. Por esse simples gesto queremos multiplicar por dez, por cem, por mil, o efeito da solidariedade humana e o esforço do trabalho individual pela congregação, num foco único e transformador da atenção não dividida. Numa feliz expressão, ter o talento de bem fazer, o de trazer a um lugar os de boa vontade para realizar a obra de vontade dos bons.”

Foram então apresentados os agraciados com a Ordem de Dona Leonor, ao Mérito Social, Humanitário e Caritativo. A Ordem toma a sua inspiração da figura histórica da Rainha D. Leonor e visa reconhecer e premiar o mérito, a excelência e os serviços prestados por aqueles que se destacam nas suas respectivas esferas de actuação, com especial relevo para o exercício das Obras de Misericórdia e Humanitárias, confins aos objectivos da OSMTHU.

Foram agraciados com a Cruz e o Grau de Oficial, Fernando Manuel Gonçalves de Pina Pinto, Presidente da Câmara de Alcochete; Paulo Jorge Lima Vieira, Comandante dos Bombeiros Voluntários de Alcochete, Luis Manuel Garrett Pinto, empresário e reconhecido empreendedor e Dom Nuno da Camara Pereira, Grão Mestre da Ordem de São Miguel da Ala. O Cavaleiro I+ Nuno Moreira fez uma apresentação dos agraciados de Alcochete, sublinhando a obra e a dedicação ao serviço da população de cada um deles, amplamente justificando a distinção honorífica atribuída. Coube ao Grão Prior, F+ Luis de Matos, KGCTJ a apresentação do agraciado Dom Nuno da Camara Pereira, sublinhando não apenas o seu papel como tenaz Grão Mestre da mais antiga Ordem Dinástica de Cavalaria Portuguesa, como a protecção e serviço social há muitas décadas na ASA – Associação de Socorro e Amparo, que gere um colégio com 160 crianças carenciadas no bairro de Carnide, em Lisboa.

De seguida passou-se ao acto de Armação dos postulantes. O Grão Prior deu uma explicação acerca das diferenças entre Armar, Investir e Ordenar, designações nem sempre usadas de forma rigorosa. Foram recebidos na Ordem e Armadas as Irmãs e novas Damas do Templo Seculares, Ana Telhada, Carla Mendes e Ilda Moutinho, bem como o Cavaleiro Secular Michael Reynolds.

Os trabalhos foram então encerrados, dando a oportunidade aos presentes de tomarem a palavra. Os agraciados partilharam algumas reflexões pessoais muito tocantes, evidenciando uma harmonia perfeita entre a sua forma de estar na vida e o ideal milenar da Cavalaria. Alguns Irmãos e Irmãs da Ordem deram os parabéns aos novos membros e sublinharam o sentimento de protecção e harmonia que se viveu aquela tarde. Lá fora a chuva caia forte e a trovoada rolava sobre o Tejo ameaçadora. Mas na Igreja da Misericórdia, os corações exaltavam e as palavras fluíam livres e festivas.

Na hora do encerramento, de forma espontânea, Dom Nuno da Camara Pereira cantou o Pai Nosso, a capella, antecedendo o Non Nobis cantado em conjunto por Cavaleiros, Damas, convidados e membros do público, encerrando em júbilo uma tarde memorável na boa terra de Alcochete.

A Ordem deseja agradecer a Alcochete a sua belíssima hospitalidade, bem como a todos os Irmão e Irmãs que contribuíram para a realização da cerimónia, designadamente o Cavaleiro I+ Nuno Moreira e família, assim como todos os que viajaram centenas de quilómetros para festejar os frutos do bom trabalho e partilhar do banquete que só a fraternidade pode servir. Partimos cheios. Voltaremos.

O dia 20 de Abril de 2024 ficará gravado na história dos movimentos de inspiração Templária em Portugal. Além de Alcochete, com os 30 anos do Grão Priorado de Portugal da OSMTHU, neste mesmo dia reuniram e receberam novos reforços à Cavalaria, dois outros ramos, dos mais activos em Portugal. A OSMTH em Beja e a OPCTJ em Monsaraz. Hoje o Facebook vestia de branco. A eles, como Irmãos, uma forte saudação. Vemo-nos em Jerusalém, se é esse o vosso caminho.

Próximas actividades

Maio 4; Feira Medieval de São Pedro da Cadeira; Entrada livre; Apresentação pública

Maio 18 – 19; Pentecostes; Exclusivo a membros

Julho 6; Armações Seculares; Castelo de Castro Marim


Novos Cavaleiros Seculares em Oeiras

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O Ramo Secular da OSMTHU – Ordem do Templo [Secular Templi] cresceu este inverno, integrando mais uma dezena de novos Cavaleiros. A Milícia Espiritual reuniu-se na igreja do Palácio do Marquês de Pombal em Oeiras no dia 2 de Dezembro, para celebrar a fraternidade e passar as chaves da Cavalaria a mais alguns digníssimos Irmãos.

A manhã foi preenchida pela Instrução de Cavalaria e Velada de Armas. Os postulantes tiveram a oportunidade de ouvir as palavras tradicionais com que a Ordem preparava os seus candidatos. Foi descrito o que seria um dia completo numa Comenda do Templo antes da Armação. De seguida o grupo pôde tirar dúvidas e explorar alguns assuntos que escaparam durante o período prévio de 3 meses de formação online. A manhã terminou num indisfarçável ambiente de alegra antecipação para as cerimónias que se iriam seguir. Um almoço fraternal retemperou os corações.

Pela tarde a igreja encheu-se com os familiares dos candidatos, os Irmãos da Ordem e alguns convidados. Uma vez todos nos seus lugares, deu-se entrada ao cortejo do Irmãos e ao Grão Prior, que abriu o Capítulo. Dada uma curta explicação sobre a natureza da cerimónia – uma Armação, sublinhou – justificou ainda o motivo de ser um acto aberto em que as famílias e convidados podem participar. Antecipou que a Ordem tem, adiante, momentos de Cavalaria de carácter mais reservado, que aguardam aqueles que forem mais aplicados, mas que a Armação é um compromisso público em que o Cavaleiro se coloca ao serviço da Ordem tendo por testemunha o público – para o qual passa a ter novas responsabilidades. Não se trata de uma reunião de conjurados, secreta, de homens que juram lealdade entre si, e sim uma cerimónia solene de compromisso para com todos os homens e mulheres do mundo, ao serviço da Ordem e envergando as suas vestes e valores. É um compromisso para todos os dias da vida. Não desvanece quando se arruma a capa no armário. Capa, espada e jóia são meras representações sensíveis de uma nova orientação ética, permanente e imperativa.

Um a um, todos assumiram o seu compromisso. Um a um, frente ao Grão Prior, todos se juntaram à cadeia ininterrupta de Cavalaria.

As cerimónias do dia encerraram com uma emotiva interpretação colectiva do “Non Nobis” na magnífica versão de Patrick Doyle, que ecoou na belíssima igreja barroca oitocentista como uma recordação familiar de outros tempos já passados, mas convocados à actualidade pela Ordem.

Estão de parabéns os novos Cavaleiros António Lourenço, KTJ; Carlos Martins, KTJ; Daniel Gomes, KTJ; Diogo Branco; Erik V, KTJ; Nuno Santos, KTJ; Pedro Fernandes, KTJ; Pedro Miranda, KTJ e Rafael Redondo, KTJ. A Ordem tem para vós muito trabalho, o muito penar e o pão e a água da fraternidade.

Armações do Templo

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Oeiras, Igreja do Palácio do Marquês de Pombal
2 de Dezembro de 2023
Acesso gratuito, sujeito a inscrição prévia

Grand Prior of Portugal opens Secular Temple Celebration of the Knight’s Accolade with Conference in Lagos

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The Secular branch of the OSMTHU gathers this weekend in Lagos, Algarve, Portugal, to celebrate the Templar Kinight’s Accolade and the reception of new Brothers into the Order. The event was opened by the Grand Prior of Portugal OSMTHU, Fr+ Luis de Matos, KGCTJ, with a Conference titled “The Templar Order: Turf, Treason, Mist, Destiny”.

The speaker talked about the Order’s history, comparing it to Portuguese history, highlighting four main stages in a cyclical view that progressed in parallel with the Greek philosophical elements Earth, Water, Air and Fire. The Conference was well attended and generated an interesting and long debate about the Order and how its immortal values keep relevance in a world of technology, tragedy and social media.

Grand Priory of Spain OSMTHU in Palma del Rio, Cordoba

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The 16th century Monastery of Saint Francis, in Palma del Rio, Cordoba, was the sacred location chosen by the Grand Priory of Spain of the OSMTHU to convene and commemorate Saint John’s feast. For three days, the brothers and sisters immersed themselves in the medieval atmosphere of the Convent.

The convent has a rich history and a beautiful heritage. Today the large volumes of its chapels are preserved around the central nave where there are echoes of structures that have been superimposed. We can see a unit, which formed the chapel of the Souls with a Gothic vault with straight and curved ribs, which are decorated with studs next to a Plateresque arch. The church is from the 17th century, restored after the Civil War. Today it has the chapels of Jesus en la Oración en el Huerto, the chapel of the Virgin of Bethlehem, the chapel of San Antonio, the chapel of the Holy Burial, the Cívico family pantheon and the chapel of Santa Gema.

The Grand Priory of Spain has three new knights. A delegation of the OSMTH – Magnum Magisterium of Toledo was present. Four brothers from the Grand Priory of Portugal OSMTHU were also present, including the Grand Chancellor of the Order. Fr+ Leslie Payne, Grand Prior of England and Wales, a long lasting friend of the Spanish Grand Priory, was also present at the event.

Grand Prior of Italy of the OSMTHU installed in ceremony at the Convent della Pietá in Teggiano

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Fr+ Domenico Romano, KGOTJ was installed as Grand Prior of Italy OSMTHU by Master António Paris this past 24 of June, day of the feast of Saint John the Baptist. The ceremony took place at the Convent della Pietá in Teggiano, is Salerno, Campania, Italy.

At the same ceremony new Bailiffs, Commanders and Grand Officers were installed, preparing the Grand Priory of Italy for the upcoming few years, leading a few projects to be announced in the contexto of the OSMTHU and the Templar Corps International.

Pentecost 2023 in the Grand Priory of Portugal OSMTHU

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No words can translate the joy in having new Brothers and Sisters enter the House. This Pentecost we had one Novice, one Squire, six Knights/Dames and 13 Brothers and Sisters Professing their faith. The ranks expand. In silence and seclusion we advance, we keep the flame alive, pure and whole.

Many things were said, many wise words of ancient masters were read, the Gospel was recited and Pentecost in Palestine in 33aD was remembered. But none of us was prepared for the moment when the closed doors of our church were not an obstacle for a couple of swallows, one dove and an unidentified other bird who suddenly flown in, rejoicing in a swirled flight, chirping and flapping their wings, in what sounded like the blow of a strong wind echoing in the silent church. We all looked up and smiled. The dove stayed all night, accompanying those making Vigil. In the early hours of morning, as we prayed the “Veni Creator Spiritus”, the dove was cooing in comfort. After all, it was Pentecost.

Congratulations to new Knights F+ João Gonçalves, KTJ; Fr+ Bruno Correia, KTJ; Fr+ Nelson Rosado, KTJ; F+ Valter Luz, KTJ and Dames S+ Maria José Rocha, DTJ; S+ Maria José Viegas, DTJ. Congratulations to new the new Commander of Lisbon – Chagas, Fr+ Fernando Silva, KGOTJ, also installed as Grand Master of Ceremonies. Congratulations to Fr+ Paulo Fernandes, KGOTJ, installed as Grand Seneschal.

Ordem de São Miguel da Ala convida OSMTHU para celebração dos 200 anos do Santuário da Senhora da Rocha

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A Ordem de São Miguel da Ala, uma das mais antigas Ordens de Cavalaria Portuguesas (aprox. 1175), convidou o Grão Priorado de Portugal da OSMTHU a participar nas cerimónias de São Miguel de Maio, por ocasião dos 200 anos do Santuário da Senhora da Rocha, uma invocação da Padroeira de Portugal, Nossa Senhora da Conceição.

O Santuário, junto ao rio Jamor, às portas de Lisboa, tem uma história muito interessante. Construído entre 1839 e 1892, esta obra, da autoria do arquiteto José da Costa Sequeira, apresentava como principal objetivo albergar a pequena imagem de Nossa Senhora da Conceição aparecida numa gruta, perto do Casal da Rocha, em 1822. Por não existir local apropriado para a veneração da Santa, esta foi transferida para a Sé de Lisboa por ordem de D. João IV, onde permaneceu 60 anos e posteriormente para a Igreja de S. Romão de Carnaxide onde esteve por mais 10 anos.

Inaugurado em Setembro de 1893, o Santuário tem sido ao longo de todos estes anos local privilegiado no decorrer das festividades em honra de Nossa Senhora da Rocha, que têm lugar durante o mês de Maio. De planta retangular, o edifício apresenta volumetria escalonada, sendo o conjunto coroado por frontão triangular com cruz ao centro. O interior da igreja apresenta nave única e coberta em abóboda de berço. Antecede a Capela-Mor um arco triunfal ladeado por dois altares em talha dourada. A Capela-Mor, de planta quadrada e cobertura em abóboda é ornada com pinturas decorativas e altar-mor com camarim albergando o trono. No alçado lateral da igreja, ao nível das fundações, reconhece-se um compartimento de planta retangular correspondente ao acesso ao interior da gruta, à qual se acede através de lanço único de escadas.

A sua cerimónia inaugural, em 1893, que foi imponente, contou com a presença da rainha D. Amélia de Orleães, dos príncipes D. Luís Filipe e D. Manuel de Bragança, do Dr. Hintze Ribeiro (Presidente do Conselho) entre outras entidades de relevo.

Às cerimónias, que incluíram a armação de um novo Cavaleiro de São Miguel da Ala, seguiu-se uma refeição festiva que contou com a presença de membros de ambas as Ordens.

A colaboração entre a OSMTHU e a Ordem de São Miguel da Ala liderada pelo seu Comendador-Mor Nuno da Camara Pereira, remonta já à década de 90, tendo como momento alto as comemorações da Batalha de Ourique, em Ourique – Alentejo, em 2002, ocasião em que a reunião internacional do Conselho Magistral da OSMTHU se realizou em Portugal.

704th Anniversary of the Order of Christ Celebrated With New Knights

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The 704th anniversary of the Papal Bull promulgating the Order of Christ – the 1319 Portuguese metamorphosis of the Order of the Temple – was celebrated by the Secular branch of the OSMTHU with the reception of nine new Knights. The ceremony took place at the Church of the Castro Marim castle, first seat of the Order of Christ, that served as headquarters for almost half a century before returning to Tomar, the emblematic Templar City of Portugal.

The celebrations started with a public debate on March 14, at the Medieval Tavern in Castro Marim. The Grand Prior of Portugal OSMTHU, Fr+ Luis de Matos, addressed some of the most controversial claims about the founding of the Tamplar Order, explaining how the main focus had always been mainland Europe where the Provinces of the Order ruled over vast territories in full autonomy of King and local Clergy.

Military operations in the Holy Land where conducted by the Outremére Province and, although the Master was elected there, very close to the Eastern border, operations of the Western Crusade (later called Reconquista, in the Iberian Peninsula) were so important to the Order, that some exceptional privileges were granted by the Pope and Iberian Kings. This would prove to be crucial when Philip IV arrested Templars in France and unsuccessfully tried to make other kingdoms follow him.

Many of those present were interested in discussing the role os Castro Marim as the first headquarters of the Order of Christ, as well and the transition period between the Temple and the new Order. In a poetic moment, Fr+ Bruno Correia, Preceptor of Castro Marim, read the definition of the acclaimed poet Fernando Pessoa (b. 1888, d. 1935) for the Order of Christ. Having been extinct in 1834, along all other religious Orders in Portugal, the questions related to possible survival of the Order were discussed with enthusiasm.

The proceedings on Saturday started early in the morning, with a final address from the Grand Prior to the postulants. The three previous Instruction meetings were summarized and a final synthesis about the Order, Chivalry and what a Knight should study and bring to the world was made.

The Preceptory invited the Postulants and family to lunch at the headquarters of the Banda Musical Castromarinense. It was a precious moment of fun and fraternal friendship that preceded the afternoon ceremonies.

In the afternoon all reunited in the courtyard in front of the Church, inside the tall walls of the Castle. The interior had been duly prepared and decorated for the ceremony. The present Church building dates from the 16th century, although the foundations go back to the 12th century, originally dedicated to Saint John and later rededicated to Saint James. By the 16th century, three images were present tat the altar, according to “Visitation” reports found in the National Archives: Saint James, Saint John and Saint Sebastian, the latter having been recently added. Saint Sebastian iconography is very significant and would later be intertwined with the myth of King Sebastian, lost in Battle that would one day return, mounted on a shiny white horse.

There was an inner circle of Postulants, Knights and Dames from both branches of the Order. Around them the invited guests had their seats, bearing witness of how Chivalry is transmitted. You could hear a pin drop, so attentive and focused were the invited guests.

The Grand Prior read a few paragraphs on the subject of Templar legacy, explaining how and why the medieval organization had its period of manifestation and cannot be brought back to existence from the same dead body. He stressed however that the Order is not perishable by fire and that Philip IV was unable to suppress it. “The light that shone in Jerusalem that very day the Templars gathered around the same lamp to pray for the first time, is the same light that guides the Order today”, he said.

Each of the postulants was called by name and kneeled to proclaim their public commitment. Then the Grand Prior armed them by following the traditional ritual, using the sword and words in gesture and speech that have hundreds of years. The Commander of Lagos, Fr+ Victor Varela Martins, dressed the new Knights with their mantle, giving them the sword, certificate and the “Liber Novitius” the book published by the Grand Preceptory of the Order where all the historical information is referenced and explained, including the Primitive Rule.

The Proceedings of the Day closed with the congregation singing the Non Nobis. It was a joyful day for the Order, with nine new Secular Knights. They are B+ Luis Velez, B+ Luís Moutinho, B+ Luís Matos, B+ Nuno Moreira, B+ Carlos Carmo, B+ Amadeu Silvestre, B+ José Elias, B+ António Santos Rosa e B+ Jorge Santos.

The evening was crowned with a convivial Medieval Dinner, that included a live performance of medieval music, Troubadour songs and some beautiful pieces from Al-Andaluz and Sufi tradition.

The Order can be contacted by email:


O 704º aniversário da Bula Papal que promulgou a Ordem de Cristo – a metamorfose portuguesa de 1319 da Ordem do Templo – foi celebrado pelo Ramo Secular da OSMTHU com a recepção de nove novos Cavaleiros. A cerimónia decorreu na Igreja do castelo de Castro Marim, primeira sede da Ordem de Cristo, que serviu de assento durante quase meio século antes de regressar a Tomar, a emblemática Cidade Templária de Portugal.

As comemorações começaram com um debate público no dia 14 de março, na Taberna Medieval de Castro Marim. O Grão Prior de Portugal OSMTHU, F+ Luís de Matos, abordou algumas das teses mais controversas sobre a fundação da Ordem dos Tamplários, explicando como o foco principal sempre foi a Europa continental onde as Províncias da Ordem governavam vastos territórios em total autonomia de Rei e Clero local. As operações militares na Terra Santa foram conduzidas pela Província de Ultramar e, embora o Mestre fosse aí eleito, muito perto da fronteira oriental, as operações da Cruzada Ocidental (mais tarde denominada Reconquista, na Península Ibérica) foram tão importantes para a Ordem, que alguns privilégios excepcionais foram concedidos pelo Papa e pelos Reis Ibéricos. Isso seria crucial à época em que Filipe IV prendeu os Templários na França e tentou, sem sucesso, fazer com que outros reinos o seguissem.

Muitos dos presentes mostraram-se interessados em discutir o papel de Castro Marim enquanto primeira sede da Ordem de Cristo, bem como o período de transição entre o Templo e a nova Ordem. Num momento poético, o F+ Bruno Correia, Preceptor de Castro Marim, leu a definição do aclamado poeta Fernando Pessoa (n. 1888, d. 1935) para a Ordem de Cristo. Extinta em 1834, juntamente com todas as outras Ordens religiosas em Portugal, as questões relativas à eventual sobrevivência da Ordem foram de seguida discutidas com entusiasmo.

Os trabalhos de sábado começaram no início da manhã, com o discurso final do Grão Prior aos postulantes. Foram resumidas as três reuniões de Instrução anteriores e feita uma síntese final sobre a Ordem, a Cavalaria e o que um Cavaleiro deve estudar e trazer ao mundo.

A Preceptoria convidou os Postulantes e familiares para um almoço na sede da Banda Musical Castromarinense. Foi um precioso momento de diversão e amizade fraterna que antecedeu as cerimónias da tarde.

À tarde, todos se reuniram no pátio em frente à Igreja, dentro das altas muralhas do Castelo. O interior foi devidamente preparado e decorado para a cerimónia. O actual edifício da Igreja data do século XVI, embora as fundações remontem ao século XII, sendo originalmente dedicada a São João e depois rededicada a São Tiago. No século XVI, três imagens estavam presentes no altar, segundo relatórios de “Visitação” encontrados no Arquivo Nacional: São Tiago, São João e São Sebastião, este último tendo sido acrescentado havia pouco tempo. A iconografia de São Sebastião é muito significativa e mais tarde entroncaria no mito de El-Rei D. Sebastião, desaparecido em Batalha e que um dia retornaria, montado em um cavalo branco reluzente.

Na igreja havia um círculo interno de Postulantes, Cavaleiros e Damas de ambos os ramos da Ordem. À sua volta sentaram-se os convidados, testemunhando como se transmite a Cavalaria. Podia ouvir-se um alfinete cair, de tão atentos e concentrados estavam os convidados.

O Grão Prior leu alguns parágrafos sobre o tema do legado Templário, explicando como e por quê a organização medieval teve seu período de manifestação e não pode ser trazida de volta à existência a partir do mesmo cadáver. Enfatizou, no entanto, que a Ordem não é perecível pelo fogo e que Filipe IV não foi capaz de suprimi-la. “A luz que brilhou em Jerusalém naquele mesmo dia em que os Templários se reuniram em torno de uma lâmpada para rezar pela primeira vez, é a mesma luz que hoje guia a Ordem”, afirmou.

Cada um dos postulantes foi chamado pelo nome e ajoelhou-se para proclamar o seu compromisso público.

Então o Grão-Prior armou-os, seguindo o ritual tradicional, usando a espada e palavras, gestos e falas que têm centenas de anos. O Comendador de Lagos, F+ Victor Varela Martins, vestiu os novos Cavaleiros com o seu manto, entregando-lhes a espada, certificado e o “Liber Novitius” livro editado pela Grande Preceptoria da Ordem onde toda a informação histórica é referenciada e explicada, incluindo a Regra Primitiva.

Os procedimentos do Dia encerraram com o canto do Non Nobis. Foi um dia de alegria para a Ordem, com nove novos Cavaleiros Seculares. São eles os I+ Luis Velez, I+ Luís Moutinho, I+ Luís Matos, I+ Nuno Moreira, I+ Carlos Carmo, I+ Amadeu Silvestre, I+ José Elias, I+ António Santos Rosa e I+ Jorge Santos.

A noite foi coroada com um Jantar Medieval de convívio, que incluiu uma actuação ao vivo de música medieval, com canções trovadorescas e algumas belas peças da tradição Al-Andaluz e Sufi.

A Ordem pode ser contactada pelo e-mail:

Antonio Paris is Installed for a Second Term as Master of the OSMTHU in Arraiolos, Portugal

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December 2022 will be remembered in the history of the OSMTHU for the second term installation ceremony of Master Antonio Paris and the new Magisterial Council in Arraiolos, Portugal. The dramatic ceremony took place in the old Convent of Nossa Senhora da Assunção, an imposing 16th century retreat built in Portuguese manuelino-mudéjar style. The event included a series of meetings with other branches of the Templar Order, attended by national and international guests in a call for cooperation that should bear fruits in the next few years.

The following Grand Priories made themselves represented:

OSMTHU, with the Grand Priories of Colombia, Italy, Portugal and Spain; the OSMTJ with the Grand Priories of Belgium, Lebanon and Portugal and the OTHE with the Grand Priory of Portugal.

From left to right: Fr+ Francesco Cavalli, Grand Prior of Colombia OSMTHU; S+ Alexandra Pissarra, Grand Prior of Portugal OSMTJ; Fr+ Rudy Stevens, Grand Prior of Belgium OSMTJ; Fr+ António Paris, Master OSMTHU; Fr+ Luis de Matos, Chancellor OSMTHU.

For two days the delegations had the opportunity to discuss the current state of the Order worldwide. Slowly recovering from the severe limitations to international travel during the pandemic, that in many cases caused the suspension of all in-person work, many Grand Priories still find it difficult to resume normal activities. Many new initiatives have appeared online, via social media and Zoom-based, but most don’t seem to have continuity or traction in the Templar world. On the other hand, rapid fragmentation has continued, with new branches springing up all over the world, most of them ephemeral and unfocused. Several suggestions were made to help refrain this trend, that all delegations found an unwelcome source of permanent disruption.

From left to right: Fr+ Phillipe Matta, Grand Prior of Lebanon OSMTJ; Fr+ António Paris, Master OSMTHU; Fr+ Luis Alves Costa, Grand Prior of Portugal OTHE; Fr+ Ricardo Salum, Grão Feytor OSMTHU; Fr+ Peter Geerts of the Grand Priory of Belgium OSMTJ

International cooperation through the Templar Corps International was discussed, with a few projects being prepared for 2023 and 2024. It was decided that there will be first Call to Cooperation Zoom call, under the Templar Corps, the 28 of January 2023 to discuss the first main proposals, in which all the branches of the Order present in Arraiolos committed to participate. The Pilgrimage Proposal for Jerusalem – Easter 2024 was also welcomed and generated a lot of interest. More details on it will be available soon.

The evening of Friday was very special. The Grand Priory of Spain had two postulants that were to be knighted the next day. So, right after dinner, a full Instruction and Veil of Arms / Vigil ceremony was performed in the church by candlelight, conducted by Fr+ Cavalli and Fr+ Manuel Ricaurte as Master of Ceremonies, of Colombia.

Fr+ Ricaurte with Fr+ Rui Herdadinha, Commander of Arraiolos OSMTHU

The ceremony was completed the following morning. It was attended by members of al the delegations of the several branches of the Order.

Fr+ Ricaurte, Fr+ Cavalli and Master Paris.

During the afternoon of Saturday the assembly gathered at the church for the ceremonies of the day. The Magisterial Council of the OSMTHU that was finishing its term opened the proceedings. A long procession was formed and paraded down the church aisles, preceded by the Master of Ceremonies, the Templar banner and the drummers.

From left to right: Fr+ António Paris, Master; Fr+ José Miguel Navarro, Grand Prior of Spain OSMTHU; Fr+ Luis de Matos, Chancellor OSMTHU; S+ Patricia Oyarzun, Private Secretary to the Master and member of the Grand Priory of Spain OSMTHU

The Elections results were announced and Master António Paris was Installed. Then he Installed his new Magisterial Council.

The Magisterial Council, from left to right: Fr+ Ricardo Salum, Grão Feytor; Fr+ Luis de Matos, Chancellor; S+ Patrícia Oyarzun, Private Secretary to the Master; Fr+ António Paris, Master; Fr+ José Miguel Navarro; Seneschal; Fr+ Francesco Cavalli, Visitor General

The Master then Installed Fr+ Domenico Romano as Grand Prior of Italy and Fr+ José Miguel Navarro as Grand Prior of Spain. The Chancellor said a few words, explaining the source material for the days proceedings and how the OSMTHU organizes elections under very strict rules that have ensured continuity since the election in 1999 of Master Fernando de Toro-Garland. Master Paris quoted Master Toro-Garland’s words in Santiago de Compostela in 2004 when he was installed for his first term: “for the first time in over 200 years, an Elected Master of our Order installs de following Elected Master”.

Lyric vocalist Helena Lourenço of the Baixo Alentejo Conservatory delighted everyone with a few pieces of sacred vocal music including a truly magical “Ave Maris Nostra”.

OSMTJ delegation, from left to right: Fr+ Phillippe Matta, Grand Prior of Lebanon; S+ Alexandra Pissarra, Grand Prior of Portugal; Fr+ Rudy Stevens, Grand Prior of Belgium; S+ Susana Lopes of the Grand Priory of Portugal; Fr+ Peter Geerts of the Grand Priory of Belgium.

The ceremony was closed after sundown and was followed by a Gala Dinner where the fruits of hospitality and brotherhood were enjoyed.

From left to right: Fr+ Victor Varela Martins, Commander of Lagos; Fr+ Luis de Matos, Grand Prior of Portugal; Fr+ Paulo Fernandes, Grand Priory of Portugal

The OSMTHU wishes to thank all the invited guests, the members of the Grand Priory of Portugal OSMTHU that were fundamental to the success of the event and the hospitality of the Commandery of Arraiolos that, again, made us all welcome and wishing to come back.

Secular Templi

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Castro Marim, Portugal

Congratulations to new Knights and Dames B+ Jaime Ramos, S+ Sandra Oliveira, B+ Luis Guerreiro, B+ Jorge Campos Inácio, B+ Paulo Guerreiro, B+ Alberto dos Santos, B+ Rui Cardoso, B+ Stuart Balbino, B+ Henrique André, B+ Fernando Júnior, S+ Iris Vicente, B+ Carlos Estanislau, S+ Ana Mendonça.

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers

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The Grand Priory of Portugal of the OSMTHU met in Arraiolos at the Vespers of Saint James of 2022. The Order was enlarged in quantity and quality. Please welcome Brothers António Q., KTJ; Frederico Galvão, KTJ; Ricardo Salgado, KTJ; Agostinho Seixas; KTJ; Jeff Perry, KTJ and Sisters Anabela Santos, DTJ; Carla Faria DTJ.

O Grão Priorado de Portugal da OSMTHU reuniu-se em Arraiolos nas Vésperas de Santiago de 2022. A Ordem foi alargada em quantidade e qualidade. Pedimos a todos que dêem as boas-vindas aos Irmãos António Q., KTJ; Frederico Galvão, KTJ; Ricardo Salgado, KTJ; Agostinho Seixas; KTJ; Jeff Perry, KTJ e Irmãs Anabela Santos, DTJ; Carla Faria DTJ.

Templar heritage in Croatia presented during International Conference in Trakoscan Castle

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The first contemporary monograph dedicated to the Knights Templar in Croatia was solemnly presented at the Trakošćan Castle, entitled “Templar Heritage in Croatia”, a project carried out by the Croatian Knights Templar.

A number of Croatian scientists have been working on this issue for years. The Templars are one of the most important knightly orders that emerged in the Middle Ages. Breaking Mysticism and Taboos they represented a special form of religious community, embodying two ideals of medieval man – devotion to God in religious life and the virtues of chivalry. Their history has attracted the attention of both scientific circles and the general public from the Middle Ages to the present day. The way in which the order disappeared or was destroyed also played an important role, and this led to the emergence of various myths and stories related to the Templars.

That is why this book presents in a scientifically based way the development and history of this order, both in general and in the Hungarian-Croatian Kingdom, and its cultural and historical heritage in Croatian lands, discovered by archaeological research. In addition, it points to the importance of nurturing Templar traditions in modern society – said the book’s editor, Ph.D. Marija Karbić, scientific advisor at the Croatian Institute of History. The reviewer spoke about the importance of this publishing venture. Ivan Jurković from the Faculty of Philosophy, Juraj Dobrila University in Pula, who emphasized the importance of scientific facts in breaking mysticism, taboos, but also fiction about this mysterious order.

Dr. sc. Juraj Belaj from the Institute of Archeology, who wrote a chapter dedicated to archaeological finds related to the Templar heritage, stressed that throughout Croatia there are remnants of the rich Templar heritage that has yet to be valued and revealed to the local and European public. Namely, Croatia has a centuries-old Templar tradition, which is quite unknown to the general public. That is why Dr. sc. Damir Karbić, director of the Department of Historical Sciences of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, warned of the importance of rare preserved sources related to the activities of the Templars in Croatia, emphasizing the HAZU archive. In addition to the collected material, original scientific works of leading Croatian historians and scientists dealing with this issue have been made, as well as new maps that “draw” Croatia on the Templar map of Europe.

The Knights Templar, their work and heritage are certainly one of the most intriguing topics of popular culture and arouse public interest. However, too little is known about how Croatia, thanks to its Templar heritage, secured an important place on the map of Europe in the Middle Ages.

Templar forts, churches and chapels sprang up all over the then Croatian lands…

On their way to the Holy Land, European Templars met and stayed in Croatia. And when they were banned in Europe under the pressure of French King Philip, thanks to the then Bishop of Zagreb, today’s Blessed Augustine Kazotic, Zagreb gave them refuge in what today is Nova Ves. Croatia became their last legal refuge after persecution in France – said university professor Bozo Skoko, who published a chapter on contemporary Templar heritage in Croatia and the world in a monograph with professor and communicologist Ivan Tanta. A memorial plaque at the beginning of the street, which was unveiled in 2019, testifies to Nova Ves as the last European legal refuge in Europe.

Croatia has a centuries-old Templar tradition, which is quite unknown to the general public. There are remnants of the rich Templar heritage throughout Croatia that has yet to be valued and revealed to the local and European public, in which interest in this mystical religious knightly order is constantly growing. That is why the Croatian Knights Templar, associations and fraternities, initiated the publication of the first modern monograph dealing with this topic.

The monograph was published with the support of the Adris Foundation and the support of the Templar Corps International.

Conference and Ceremony

On the following day the Grand Prior of Croatia, Fr+ Lovro Tomašinec was installed in Office by the representatives of the Magisterial Council of the OSMTHU in a ceremony that took place in the beautiful medieval Chapel.

Exultate justi in domino – New Armaments in Chivalry in the Good Land of Alentejo

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In preparation for the eve of Santiago and the commemoration of the Battle of Ourique, the OSMTHU’s Grand Priory of Portugal gathered in General Chapter in the good land of Alentejo, to welcome new brothers and sisters, receive the commitment of service from Squires and arm Knights who demand the Order.

Current Covid19 restrictions prevented many of those who wished to join the work from doing so. However there was a very significant number in attendance, ensuring two days of very fruitful work, in peace, serenity and harmony. Until the end of the year, un the hope for improvements in sanitary conditions, the Order will provide the opportunity for those who were forced not to attend, to resume their journey without delay. Their absence was felt.

As in previous years, we do not want to expose to the public ceremonies that are reserved and contain ritual procedures and moments of study and explanation rooted in the richest Tradition of Spiritual Chivalry, in many cases lost in the fog of collective memory and absent in the Templar inspired movements of the nowadays.

After a morning of remembrance of the precepts of Chivalry according to 13th century sources, in a study session led by the Preceptor of the Grand Priory, João Pedro Silva, KOTJ, there was a convivial lunch that allowed us to catch up on long-awaited conversations. since we had not met since the Ecumenical Journeys of Lagos in February 2020. Since then an intense work of online study has been developed in parallel with some initiatives already fixed in our annual Calendar, as was the case of the Conference on Templars and Templarism in October 2020 and the 2021 Ecumenical Journeys, both in a virtual environment.

The afternoon began with the ritual opening of the National Chapter, during which postulants in the degree of Novice were received and a large group of Novices who had already completed their degree passed to Escudeiro. Some of the Knights present contributed to consolidating the knowledge acquired, promoting the necessary reflection for progress in the understanding of Chivalry. A meditation on the Emmaus Way and its meaning was especially poignant, and the afternoon was completed with a reading of traditional texts, including an oral tradition tale of Chivalry fixated in text in the 12th century in Gascony in France, that always leaves a special mark, in the memory of the Squires.

The preparation work for the night vigil, essential for the armament ceremony, began at the end of Saturday afternoon, with the departure from the Convent in procession through the Alentejo countryside to a fountain where the traditional washings were carried out and the spirit was prepared for the long journey that was still ahead, as the ceremony takes place only on Sunday.

Rui Herdadinha, KCTJ, Commander of Arraiolos , was the kind host of a convivial snack that preceded the ascent to the Castle, a moment of interior silence that marks the end of the clear Alentejo day, with the disappearance of the sun, opening the night period during which, in the darkness and uncertainty of the black night, one proceeds to complete vigil, without abbreviation or subterfuge, in hope and anticipation of the desired dawn.

Little more can be added about what followed. The procession descended from the Castle to the Chapter, which resumed its work and proceeded to clarify many points about Chivalry and the Templars reserved only for the most diligent. In the morning, the armaments were carried out following the traditional Ritual, with the Order being enriched with 4 new Knights and 1 Dame. They are the Brothers Paulo Fernandes, KTJ; Virgílio Gomes, KTJ; Bruno Correia, KTJ; Miguel Pereira, KTJ; and Dame Joana Frade, DTJ. We congratulate them and wish that Chivalry, as a tree of firm trunk and roots, may become green again and bear fruit in them.

The 6th Commandery of the Grand Priory of Portugal was also created, the new Commandery of Lisbon – Sait Cathrin Hill, with Brother Commander João Pedro Silva, KCTJ being invested. Brother João took his oath in the traditional way and will begin work immediately.

Sunday’s work ended in a traditional way with the celebration of the Eucharist by the Grand Prior and Bishop Tau Flammula Veritatis.

The Grand Priory is deeply grateful to all the Brothers and Sisters who worked tirelessly to make the Chapter a success, within the strict health regulations in place at the moment in Portugal. Special mention should be made to Sister Susana Ferreira, DTJ; to Brother Fernando Silva, KTJ who irrepressibly performed the position of Master of Ceremonies; to Brother Filipe Simões, KTJ and to the Commanders Rui Herdadinha, KCTJ; Paulo Valente, KCTJ and Victor Varela Martins, KCTJ as well as all those who participated and contributed to another unforgettable chapter in the history of our Grand Priory. Thank you all.