Grand Prior of Portugal opens Secular Temple Celebration of the Knight’s Accolade with Conference in Lagos

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The Secular branch of the OSMTHU gathers this weekend in Lagos, Algarve, Portugal, to celebrate the Templar Kinight’s Accolade and the reception of new Brothers into the Order. The event was opened by the Grand Prior of Portugal OSMTHU, Fr+ Luis de Matos, KGCTJ, with a Conference titled “The Templar Order: Turf, Treason, Mist, Destiny”.

The speaker talked about the Order’s history, comparing it to Portuguese history, highlighting four main stages in a cyclical view that progressed in parallel with the Greek philosophical elements Earth, Water, Air and Fire. The Conference was well attended and generated an interesting and long debate about the Order and how its immortal values keep relevance in a world of technology, tragedy and social media.