

Secular Templi na Feira Medieval de São Pedro da Cadeira

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Pelos inícios de Maio a Festa Medieval desceu a São Pedro da Cadeira, Torres Vedras, numa tradição que se tem afirmado nos últimos anos. A convite da organização, a OSMTHU fez-se representar pelo seu Ramo Secular, ajudando a dar uma vertente institucional e de matriz histórica à habitual folia de uma feira medieval.

A Ordem montou uma pequena tenda onde pôde exibir os painéis da exposição comemorativa dos 30 anos do Grão Priorado de Portugal, que tem passado por vária autarquias, incluindo Castro Marim, Lagos e São Brás de Alportel. A exposição dá um contexto histórico à Ordem do Templo, explora o seu simbolismo e final trágico, bem como as sobrevivências e grupos que nela se inspiraram a partir do século 19. Colocada em lugar nobre, a tenda foi muito visitada por curiosos que queriam saber mais sobre a história da Ordem do Templo.

De modo a contribuir para a festa, a Ordem convidou o grupo de interpretação histórica “Templários de Sintra”, dirigido por José Duque. Este fez-se representar por vários elementos, tendo animado alguns momentos de teatro, luta e instrução de manuseio da espada medieval.

O dia esteve chuvoso, o que afastou muitos dos visitantes da região Oeste que sempre acorrem aos milhares. Mas a tarde recuperou bem e, quando a Ordem organizou o seu desfile pelas 19h30 já se preparava o ambiente para uma noite de celebração. O Grão Prior teve a oportunidade de fazer uma curta intervenção no anfiteatro, em que recordou algumas das luzes que pontificaram na chamada “época das trevas”, a Idade Média, assim injustamente tratada por muitos historiadores. Recordou Bernardo de Claraval e Elizabete von Bingen, mas sublinhou que Portugal contribuiu igualmente com algumas figuras ímpares, como Dom Dinis, Isabel de Aragão, Dom João I, Gil Vicente ou o Infante Dom Henrique, entre muitos outros. Finalmente explicou a divisa da Ordem do Templo, enquadrando a sua importância nos dias de hoje e na preparação do futuro.

De algum modo fora do seu ambiente natural, a Ordem Secular não quis deixar de se associar à celebração de um tempo pretérito, mas fundamental para o entendimento da Europa na sua dimensão universal.

A Ordem agradece o convite à organização da feira, bem como a todos os Irmãos e Irmãs presentes, que tão bem contribuíram para um dia bem passado em que a Cavalaria se fez presente. Está especialmente grata ao Irmão Rui Rocha, ajudado pelo Irmão Michael Reynolds, cujo esforço e dedicação não passam despercebidos. São Pedro da Cadeira ficará na nossa memória. Bem hajam.

New Knights join Secular Temple in Portugal

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[Text in Portuguese follows at the bottom]

A truly admirable day of Chivalry took place this weekend in Lagos, Portugal, where the ranks of the Secular Temple, under the OSMTHU, keep growing and getting stronger, bringing to life a unique contemporary view of Templarism, firmly rooted in the past tradition of immutable values, yet with the eyes unapologetically looking on to the future.

The weekend long activities took place on the historical Forte da Ponta da Bandeira, vigilant over Lagos’s harbor, seating in the strategic location where Prince Henry the Navigator’s Caravels took to the sea in search of Prester John and a world of unknown dangers and fears.

On Friday Fr+ Luis de Matos, Grand Prior of Portugal and Chancellor of the Magisterial Council of the OSMTHU under Master Antonio Paris, in a speech took a long and detailed look at Templar History, comparing it to the several states of the primary Greek elements of matter, from the dense Earth stage, when the Order gathered territory and land, to the Water stage with the building up of the Templar Fleet, to the Air and Fire stages with the imprisonment of the Master in Paris and the martyrdom of March 1314 by fire. In parallel, the History of Portugal, with a similar cycle, heavily influenced by the Order of the Temple during the Earth stage of consolidating the Portuguese territory and the Water stage with the Discoveries launched by the Order of Christ, was also remembered. Fr+ Matos has drawn surprising analogies and comparisons, moving on to an inevitable progression in which Order and Nation share a joint Destiny. The discussion that followed was fascinating, with the audience participating and engaging with the subject in a very illuminating and enthusiastic way.

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The program for the next day had to be changed due to unforeseen circumstances. The Mayor of Lagos was presiding over the Graduation Ceremony of the Templar Corps Class of First Responders and Forest and Urban Fore Support, however the Portuguese Civil Protection Authority activated the Delta Level of the National Operational Directive on Rural Fire Prevention on June 30, actively summoning all available Templar Corps graduates that are on their stations at the service of the National Authority, ready to spring into action. The rural and forest fire season of 2023 is feared to be the most dangerous of the last few years due to the severe draught that affects the country and particularly the Algarve region, where the Templar Corps headquarters are located. The ceremony will take place at the end of October.

In the afternoon the new Candidates to the Order gathered at the Fortress for the final training and orientation session. Presided over by Grand Prior F+ Luis de Matos, the letter that had been sent to the Candidates a few days before was read and explained in detail. Everyone had the opportunity to clear all doubts on the historical and philosophical tenets of the Order. Questions about the organization, formality and structure were also addressed.

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After a short recess for refreshments, a discussion on the role of the Order, today, took place. History and the past tense is usually the frame of reference for the Templars, however the OSMTHU, acknowledging the past, always moves the discussion to the present and tries to anticipate the future. Practice makes perfection. A Knight truly emerges in the real world, out of practice and action. It’s not a matter of speculation, phantasy or role playing.

Dinner took place in the Refectory of the Portuguese Army in Lagos, in a spartan environment intended to prepare the Candidates to the poor life in a Order that defined itself as the Poor Knights of Christ.

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As night fell, Brothers and Sisters of the OSMTHU, Candidates and invited guests, including family, gathered in one of the largest vaulted rooms of the Fortress. The turnout was so large that last moment arrangements had to be made to accommodate everyone.

Local Lagos authorities were represented by Drª Helena Moran, Archeologist of the Mayor’s Office and Director of the Municipal Museum of Lagos, that includes jurisdiction of the Forte da Ponta da Bandeira. Commander Fernandes da Palma, Port Captain of Lagos was also present.

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The ceremony was opened by the Grand Prior with the assistance of Fr+ Paulo Valente, KGCTJ, Commander of Sintra and Fr+ Victor Varela Martins, KGCTJ, Commander of Laccobriga. Fr+ Valente gave a short speech about the solemn moment that was about to be enacted.

The Grand Prior invited everyone to enjoy a moment of introspection while lute player, and long time collaborator of the Order, Eduardo Ramos masterfully execute a few beautiful songs that transported everyone to a holy place, out of time and space. The Grand Prior said that Templar ships sailing from Lisbon, and later from Lagos, heading to the Holy Land, taking the rout of Gibraltar and Northern Africa, would have musicians on board as a way to engage in dialogue with populations on their way. When they disembarked on the shores of Tripoli in search of water and provisions, music would be their first connection. The lute was known and played by Christians and Muslims. Melodies were exchanged and harmonies achieved. Then came language. And only then commerce. And off to Cairo, with the lute on their shoulders.

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Then the Grand Prior gave a final explanation about the degrees of the Order and how they are structured, describing in detail what the accolade, or “armament” (to give arms), its context in medieval history and modern validity and equivalent.

Each of the Candidates, one by one, came to the altar and proceeded to read out loud the Commitment of the Order.

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Then the Master of Ceremonies brough the Candidates, again one by one, to the center, in front of the altar, where they were kneeled. They were covered with the mantle of the Order and then armed by the Grand Prior in the traditional manner, using the traditional forms and words. This having been done, the new Knight rose and was decorated with the Templar Cross, given his certificate, the Liber Novitius published by the Preceptory of the Order, where all the information that had been part of the training stage, is now accessible in written form, and welcomed into the Order with a fraternal embrace.

After the completion of the ritual for each and everyone of the Candidates, the Grand Prior revealed the powerful and deep symbolism that is the basis for every gesture and word of that simple, but meaningful liturgy. He also told the new Knights that they hadn’t arrived, rather they were only starting their journey. He invited them all to study further to fully become a Knight of the Temple, with the completion of the armament with the vigil and reception in the House of the Temple.

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“The traces of the Templars are still there. Today we go to Tomar, Almourol, Pombal and many other Templar places and admire their legacy in architecture and art”, said the Grand Prior; “Chesterton wondered why the derelict neighborhoods of London were not as beautiful as Florence”, he proceeded; “His realization was interesting, he said nobody loved the derelict neighborhoods of London, but someone loved Florence, as if anyone had loved the derelict neighborhoods of London the way Florence was loved, the derelict neighborhoods of London would become Florence! That is the power of love. The Templars transformed every place where they happened to pass. We now go after their steps, we look for Templar places, to witness their every trace, a Templar Cross on a slab of stone, a small Templar church, a mighty Templar Castle. The legacy. It’s your turn now. Go and love the derelict neighborhoods you may come across, like a Templar. Turn them into Florence. Leave a trace of your love. Transform the world around you and make it a better place because you have been there. Be the cause of love in others so that the next generations come after you and say of your work: here stood a Templar! Leave your mark so that the can say: I’m now inspired to follow on these steps.”

Before closing, Fr+ Jorinho Manuel was remembered. He passed on to the House of the Father after a long struggle with cancer. The Non Nobis of the day was sung on his homage. The night ended with everyone enjoying the sweet fruits of fraternal love. An overwhelming joy was felt by the Knights, guests and families. Many decided to extend the night in celebration, walking the promenade alongside the river of Lagos in groups, or taking a few drinks with the new found brothers on the many pubs that were still opened. Others returned to their homes, driving a few hundred miles, or their hotels just nearby.

In common the same sense of fulfilment and joyful bliss.

Welcome to the Templar Order my Brothers. Now it’s time to work.

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Um dia de celebração da Cavalaria verdadeiramente admirável teve lugar este fim-de-semana em Lagos, Portugal, onde as fileiras do Templo Secular, sob a OSMTHU, continuam a crescer e a fortalecer-se, dando vida a uma visão contemporânea e única do Templarismo, firmemente enraizada na tradição do passado, de valores imutáveis, mas com os olhos voltados para o futuro sem precisar de pedir desculpas.

As actividades do fim de semana decorreram no histórico Forte da Ponta da Bandeira, vigilante sobre o porto de Lagos, assentado no local estratégico onde as Caravelas do Infante D. Henrique se lançaram ao mar em busca do Prestes João e de um mundo de perigos e medos ainda desconhecidos.

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Na sexta-feira, o F. Luís de Matos, Grão-Prior de Portugal e Chanceler do Conselho Magistral da OSMTHU sob a regência do Mestre António Paris, em Conferência deu um longo e detalhado olhar sobre a História Templária, comparando-a com os vários estados da matéria dos elementos gregos clássicos, desde a fase da Terra densa, quando a Ordem acumulou territórios e terras, à fase das Águas com a formação da Frota Templária, às fases do Ar e do Fogo com a prisão do Mestre em Paris e o martírio de Março de 1314 pelo fogo. Paralelamente, foi também recordada a História de Portugal, com um ciclo semelhante, fortemente influenciado pela Ordem do Templo durante a fase da Terra de consolidação do território português e a fase da Água com os Descobrimentos, lançados pela Ordem de Cristo. O Fr+ Matos traçou analogias e comparações surpreendentes, avançando para uma inevitável progressão em que Ordem e Nação partilham um Destino comum. A discussão que se seguiu foi fascinante, com um público participante e envolvido de uma forma muito esclarecedora e entusiasta.

O programa para o dia seguinte teve que ser alterado devido a circunstâncias imprevistas. O Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Lagos presidia à Cerimónia de Formatura da Classe do Corpo Templário de Socorristas e Apoio Florestal e Urbano. No entanto a Protecção Civil portuguesa activou o Nível Delta da Directiva Operacional Nacional de Prevenção de Incêndios Rurais no dia 30 de Junho, convocando activamente todos os formandos do Templar Corps disponíveis, que se encontram nos seus postos ao serviço da Autoridade Nacional, prontos a entrar em acção. A época de incêndios rurais e florestais de 2023 teme-se ser a mais perigosa dos últimos anos devido à forte seca que afecta o país e em particular a região do Algarve, onde se situa a sede do Corpo Templário. A cerimónia acontecerá no final de Outubro.

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À tarde, os novos Candidatos à Ordem reuniram-se na Fortaleza para a sessão final de formação e orientação. Presidida pelo Grão-Prior F+ Luís de Matos, foi lida e detalhadamente explicada a carta enviada aos Candidatos dias antes. Todos tiveram a oportunidade de tirar as suas dúvidas sobre os temas históricos e filosóficos da Ordem. Questões sobre organização, formalidade e estrutura também foram abordadas.

Após um breve intervalo para descanso, passou-se a uma discussão sobre o papel da Ordem hoje. A história e o passado são geralmente o quadro de referência para os Templários, no entanto, a OSMTHU, reconhecendo o passado, procura trazer a discussão para o presente e tenta antecipar o futuro. A prática traz a perfeição. Um Cavaleiro real surge no mundo real, da prática e da acção. Não é uma questão de especulação, fantasia ou role-playing.

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O jantar decorreu no Refeitório do Exército Português em Lagos, num ambiente espartano destinado a preparar os Candidatos para a vida pobre numa Ordem que se definia como os Pobres Cavaleiros de Cristo.

Ao cair da noite, irmãos e irmãs da OSMTHU, candidatos e convidados, incluindo familiares, reuniram-se numa das maiores salas abobadadas da Fortaleza. A afluência foi tão grande que arranjos de última hora tiveram que ser feitos para acomodar todos.

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As autoridades locais de Lagos estiveram representadas pela Drª Helena Moran, Arqueóloga da Câmara Municipal e Directora do Museu Municipal de Lagos, que inclui jurisdição do Forte da Ponta da Bandeira. Também esteve presente o Comandante Fernandes da Palma, Capitão do Porto de Lagos.

A cerimónia foi aberta pelo Grão Prior com a assistência do F+ Paulo Valente, KGCTJ, Comendador de Sintra e do F+ Victor Varela Martins, KGCTJ, Comandante de Laccobriga. O F+ Valente fez um breve discurso sobre o momento solene que estava para acontecer.

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O Grão Prior convidou todos a desfrutar de um momento de introspecção enquanto o músico, e de longa data colaborador da Ordem, Eduardo Ramos, executou com maestria algumas belas canções no alaúde tradicional, que transportaram todos os presentes para um lugar sagrado, fora do tempo e do espaço. O Grão-Prior disse que os navios Templários que partiam de Lisboa, e depois de Lagos, com destino à Terra Santa, fazendo a rota de Gibraltar e do Norte de África, teriam músicos a bordo como forma de dialogar com as populações no caminho. Quando desembarcavam na costa de Trípoli em busca de água e mantimentos, a música era o primeiro contacto de culturas. O alaúde era conhecido e tocado por cristãos e muçulmanos. Naquele tempo, melodias foram trocadas e harmonias alcançadas. Depois veio a lingua. E só então o comércio. E depois, vamos de saída para o Cairo, com o alaúde aos ombros.

Em seguida, o Grão Prior deu uma explicação final sobre os graus da Ordem e como eles são estruturados, descrevendo detalhadamente o que é a armação (de “dar armas”), o seu contexto na história medieval e a sua validade e equivalência moderna.

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Os Candidatos, um a um, aproximou-se do altar e procedeu à leitura em voz alta do Compromisso da Ordem.

De seguida, o Mestre de Cerimónias trouxe os Candidatos, novamente um a um, para o centro, em frente ao altar, onde foram ajoelhados. Foram então cobertos com o manto da Ordem e depois armados pelo Grão Prior da maneira tradicional, usando as formas e palavras tradicionais. Feito isto, o novo Cavaleiro ergueu-se e foi condecorado com a cruz Templária, tendo-lhe sido conferido o seu certificado, o Liber Novitius publicado pela Preceptoria da Ordem, onde todas as informações que fizeram parte da fase formativa estão agora acessíveis em forma escrita, e acolhido na Ordem com um abraço fraterno.

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Após a conclusão do ritual para todos e cada um dos Candidatos, o Grão-Prior revelou o poderoso e profundo simbolismo que está na base de cada gesto e palavra desta liturgia simples, mas significativa. Disse ainda aos novos Cavaleiros que eles não haviam chegado ou cortado uma meta, mas que estavam apenas a começar a jornada. Convidou todos a estudarem mais para se tornarem plenamente Cavaleiros do Templo, com a conclusão do armamento com a vigília e recepção na Casa do Templo.

“Os vestígios dos Templários ainda existem. Hoje vamos a Tomar, Almourol, Pombal e muitos outros lugares templários para admirar o seu legado na arquitectura e na arte”, disse o Grão-Prior; “Chesterton perguntou-se por que os bairros degradados de Londres não eram tão belos como Florença”, prosseguiu; “A sua explicação é interessante, ele disse que ninguém amou os bairros degradados de Londres, mas alguém amou Florença, porque se alguém tivesse amado os bairros degradados de Londres como Florença foi amada, os bairros degradados de Londres tornavam-se Florença! Esse é o poder do amor. Os Templários transformaram todos os lugares por onde passaram. Agora seguimos os seus passos, procuramos os lugares dos Templários, para testemunhar todos os seus vestígios. Uma cruz Templária numa laje de pedra, uma pequena igreja Templária, um poderoso Castelo da Ordem. É o seu legado. Agora é a vossa vez. Vão e amem os bairros degradados que possam encontrar, amem como um Templário. Transformem-nos em Florenças. Deixem um rasto vivo do vosso amor. Transformem o mundo ao vosso redor e tornem-no num lugar melhor porque por lá passaram. Sejam a causa do amor nos outros para que as próximas gerações, que venham depois de vós, digam do vosso trabalho: aqui esteve um Templário! Deixem a vossa marca para que possam dizer, inspirados: quero seguir seguir estes passos.”

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Antes de encerrar, o F+ Jorinho Manuel foi lembrado. Regressou à Casa do Pai depois de uma longa luta contra o cancro. O Non Nobis foi cantado em sua homenagem. A noite terminou com todos saboreando os doces frutos do amor fraterno. Uma alegria imensa sentia-se no ar, partilhada por Cavaleiros, convidados e familiares. Muitos decidiram prolongar a noite em festa, passeando em grupos pelo passeio ribeirinho de Lagos, ou tomando uns copos com os novos irmãos nos muitos pubs que ainda estavam abertos. Outros voltaram para suas casas, fazendo algumas centenas de quilómetros ou regressando aos seus hotéis nas proximidades.

Em comum, a mesma sensação de realização, felicidade e alegria.

Bem-vindos à Ordem do Templo, meus irmãos. Agora é hora de trabalhar.

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Requiescat in pace

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Antonio Paris, Master of the OSMTHU and his Magisterial Council join in prayer at the occasion of the passing of Fr+ Gerard Willery, Master of the OSMTH – Magnum Magisterium. May God have mercy on his soul. We offer our condolences to the family.

Joint Operation to Guine in Preparation

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A Joint Mission to Guiné is in preparation with the participation of the Templar Corps Portuguese leadership and American and Lebanese advisory from different branches of the Order.

Following the success of the Cape Verde mission by Templar Corps Vice-National Commander Portugal Jorge Amador in 2023, the Templar Corps has prepared an ambitious program that aims to deploy equipment, train and certify local first responders, firefighters and paramedics in Portuguese speaking African countries.

“It’s very important that we contribute with this knowledge transfer”, says Commander Rui Herdadinha. To the Portuguese team the Templar Corps has added F+ Timothy Briant Jones, Grand Chancellor OSMTJ and F+ Phillippe Matta, KCTJ, Master and Grand Prior of Lebanon, OSMTJ, whose extensive experience in humanitarian projects will help to build an international back-office of medical and first aid experts that can be taped into once the projects rolls out.

“Being able to involve different branches of the Order is precisely what makes the Templar Corps unique”, said Luis de Matos, CEO. “The Templar world is full of infights and narratives of rivalry. We have long ceased to keep tabs on who is friends with whom at any one time, and why. If you want to be relevant for those in need, get in touch. We are proud to have open doors to anyone who wants to cooperate and make the world a better place”, he added.

You can download the summary on the project here.


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The war situation in Ukraine has sparked an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Europe this century. In the first two weeks, more than 2 million refugees, mostly women and children, headed to neighboring countries, hoping to be able to return home as soon as possible. Left behind were the men, fathers, husbands, children, brothers, prevented from leaving the country due to the war situation and the need to enlist in the Ukrainian armed forces.

Portugal is one of the European Union countries that has taken measures to welcome war refugees, making bureaucratic processes easier and faster. It also provided the institutions with financial and human resources to face the upcoming humanitarian crisis.

The Templar Corps International, through its Outpost in Lagos, was called upon to provide its service in the context of this crisis. The Ukrainian community in the Algarve, closely linked to the Orthodox Church, yearns to see their loved ones out of danger and, if possible, taken to Portugal where they can, in the company of their family, wait for better days.

Please follow all the details of the Help Ukraine Operation on the Templar Corps website.

If you can contribute, please make a donation here.

Símbolos paganos en las catedrales

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La visión de uno de los tímpanos de la iglesia de Santa María Magdalena de Vézelay (Francia) debió causar pavor entre los contemporáneos que la contemplaron. Aún hoy, esta magnífica representación del Juicio Final sigue inquietando al espectador. En especial por un grupo de figuras, alargadas e inquietantes, que se encuentran a la izquierda del Cristo que preside la escena.

Junto a él, un ángel pesa en una balanza a dos hombres, decidiendo su destino, mientras un demonio «tramposo» intenta inclinar el artefacto hacia su lado. Un poco más a la izquierda están los condenados, que avanzan en fila con los rostros desencajados por el terror, en dirección a una criatura de grandes fauces y temibles colmillos que está devorando a los pecadores.

La llamativa escena de la balanza no es exclusiva de esta iglesia. Está presente en muchos otros templos medievales.

Evidentemente, esta terrorífica escena era comprendida por los fieles que acudían al templo en la Edad Media. Lo que resulta más extraño, es que si un ciudadano egipcio de hace 3.500 años tuviera la hipotética ocasión de contemplar esta escena, es casi seguro que captaría el mismo mensaje. ¿Cómo es posible? Muy sencillo. La escena del pesaje de las almas, conocida iconográficamente por el término de psicostasis, aparece en las representaciones del llamado Libro de los Muertos egipcio, una especie de «manual» que servía a los difuntos para pasar con éxito las pruebas que le franquearían las puertas del más allá… El temible juicio de la balanza Según el Libro de los Muertos, cuando el difunto completaba con éxito la larga travesía por el inframundo, se encontraba con Osiris, el dios egipcio de los muertos. Aquí daba comienzo la escena de la psicostasis, o peso del alma. Ante la mirada atenta de 42 jueces divinos y del propio Osiris, el difunto era sometido a la más dura prueba, en la que el dios Anubis procedía a pesar su corazón –para los egipcios un símbolo de su conciencia y sede del alma– en uno de los platos de la balanza. En el otro, se colocaba la Ma’ at, la pluma símbolo de la justicia y la verdad. Otro dios, Thoth, actuaba como notario y dejaba constancia escrita del veredicto. Si el pesaje resultaba favorable al difunto, éste era recompensado con la vida eterna. Si, por el contrario, la balanza se inclinaba del lado desfavorable, el difunto era devorado entre las fauces del temible Ammit, criatura de aspecto monstruoso, híbrido de león, cocodrilo e hipopótamo.

Como vemos, las similitudes con la escena representada en numerosos templos cristianos son más que anecdóticas, y no pueden ser atribuidas al simple azar. La única explicación posible, por lo tanto, es que esta curiosa iconografía egipcia del Libro de los Muertos pervivió y fue «reutilizada» siglos más tarde por los artistas cristianos. thoth-hermes-san miguel La psicostasis no fue propiedad exclusiva de los egipcios. Hay relatos similares en el budismo, el mazdeísmo e incluso el Islam. Sin embargo, en ningún otro lugar tuvo tanta importancia como en Egipto, y es de ahí de donde parece proceder su conexión con el Cristianismo.

Durante la época helenística y romana, Hermes-Mercurio se convirtió en el encargado de ejecutar el pesaje de las almas. De este modo, Hermes se identificó con Thoth. Esta nueva divinidad, Hermes-Thoth se identifica a su vez con la figura de Hermes Trismegisto, considerado fundador del hermetismo, y que en época cristiana terminaría por ser identificada con el arcángel san Miguel.

En la actualidad, todos los estudiosos coinciden en señalar el Egipto copto como el lugar más probable del nacimiento del culto a san Miguel, lo que hace aún más comprensible la identificación entre ambos personajes.

Tal y como explica el historiador del arte Joaquín Yarza Luaces, no fue una simple sustitución: «Miguel no sustituye a Hermes, sino que se identifica con él o se incorpora al complejo personaje Hermes-Thoth». Estas tres figuras cumplían una función de psicopompos –conductores de almas– y, por este motivo, muchos de los santuarios del arcángel san Miguel fueron construidos en lugares elevados (AÑO/CERO, 200). Esta función de psicopompo o conductor de almas atribuida al arcángel cristiano aparece de forma abundante, según los historiadores, en varios textos apócrifos, algunos de ellos cargados de gnosticismo.

La identificación entre estos personajes es tan evidente que, tal y como explica Yarza Luaces, se conservan algunas gemas y amuletos en las que aparece representado de forma inequívoca Hermes, aunque llevan una inscripción mencionando a Miguel.

Otros autores han sugerido incluso que el motivo de la rápida e importante expansión del culto al arcángel no fue otro que el de suplantar el anterior culto a Hermes-Mercurio, aunque no hay forma de demostrarlo. Para el profesor Yarza, que le dedica un capítulo al asunto en su obra Formas artísticas de lo imaginario (Ed. del Hombre, 1987), y otros estudiosos: «se trató de una forma de sincretismo, dentro de los ambientes esotéricos».

Este curioso ciclo iconográfico de la psicostasis, que como hemos visto no está exento de hermetismo, aparece en templos como el de Vézelay, con el que comenzamos este artículo, San Lázaro de Autun, Amiens, Chartres, Nôtre-Dame de París y muchos otros. En España también disponemos de bellas muestras, como las que pueden observarse en la catedral de León, y en numerosas iglesias y templos de época románica, muchos de ellos dedicados al arcángel San Miguel. El ZodIaco del Cristo-Sol Nuestro recorrido por los elementos paganos que perviven en numerosos templos cristianos, nos lleva ahora a las representaciones de zodiacos, frecuentemente esculpidas en las fachadas de iglesias y catedrales, rodeando a la imagen de Cristo. En estos casos, no es extraño que el Salvador vaya acompañado también por las figuras de los doce apóstoles, de modo que la escena identifica a Cristo con el Sol, y a los 12 apóstoles con los 12 signos del zodiaco.

Esta misma iconografía, calcada símbolo a símbolo, la encontramos en obras de arte de fines de la antigüedad, en las que se representa a los dioses Mitra, Fanes o Aión. Éstos aparecen enmarcados por la rueda del tiempo, con los doce signos del zodiaco representados en ella. En estos ejemplos paganos, el dios representado simboliza al «Señor eterno», que garantiza el movimiento sin fin y circular. En la antigua Roma encontramos la misma iconografía, aplicada incluso en simples mortales, para simbolizar el goce de la eternidad en el más allá, tal y como explica el experto André Grabar en Los orígenes de la estética medieval (Ed. Siruela, 2007). ¿Cómo se produjo esta copia de elementos paganos por parte del arte cristiano? En los primeros siglos del cristianismo, la nueva religión rivalizaba con doctrinas paganas de gran importancia y difusión. Así que la naciente Iglesia vio con buenos ojos la idea de apropiarse algunas de las características de las divinidades de estos cultos paganos, como ya hemos visto también con el caso de la psicostasis. Como afirma Emile Mâle, «la Iglesia no tuvo escrúpulos en tomar prestadas formas paganas y santificarlas haciendo de ellas una lectura cristiana». En el caso de los zodiacos, los cristianos de la época primitiva adoptaron esta iconografía de Mitra o Fanes sin cambios notables.

Y así terminó pasando a templos posteriores, siendo frencuente su representación en iglesias y catedrales de época medieval, tanto en esculturas como en vidrieras.

Algunos de los ejemplos más bellos y llamativos los encontramos en la espectacular catedral gótica de Chartres. En la fachada oeste, en la puerta de la izquierda, aparece representado Cristo en su segunda venida. Alrededor de su figura están esculpidos los signos del zodiaco. Se ha interpretado este grupo escultórico como una representación del tiempo, que toma un significado especial al estar junto a Cristo en su segunda venida y, por tanto, iniciando el Fin de los Tiempos.

Sin embargo, este ciclo zodiacal tiene una peculiaridad, ya que los signos no aparecen en el orden correcto, sino que están alterados. Así, por ejemplo, la Virgen (Virgo) está en el lugar más destacado, arriba del todo, junto a la figura del arquero (Sagitario). Esta variación podría explicarse porque la catedral está dedicada a Nuestra Señora, por lo que se habría modificado el conjunto para destacarla.

Además, también llama la atención que se representara a Virgo junto a Sagitario, ya que estos signos no están juntos en el calendario. Los defensores del origen templario de la catedral han querido ver en este detalle una prueba de sus teorías: el arquero, Sagitario, es un símbolo militar, por lo que representaría a los caballeros templarios, supuestos promotores de las obras de la catedral.

Sin embargo, autores como Louis Charbonneau-Lassay proponen una explicación más convencional: en tanto que imagen de un centauro sagitario, este signo sería un símbolo de Cristo, que actuaría como conductor de almas, y se muestra ordenando el Cosmos, acompañado de Virgo (la Virgen), su madre.

Además del caso que acabamos de comentar, en Chartres hay otros hermosos ejemplos de zodiacos, como las esculturas de Piscis y Géminis que se observan en la puerta sur de la fachada oeste, o en una de las luminosas y policromadas vidrieras que iluminan el interior del templo. Pero, tal y como ya avanzábamos antes, son muchos los templos que repiten este motivo iconográfico. En la gran mayoría de ellos, Cristo aparece rodeado por el zodiaco y los meses correspondientes a cada signo, y suele mostrarse como Cronocrator (señor y ordenador del Tiempo) o Cosmocrator (señor del Cosmos).

En la mayor parte de los casos, estas representaciones aparecen en la puerta de los templos que, tal y como aclara Jean Hani: «son símbolos de las puertas solsticiales, las cuales son la imagen de la Puerta del Cielo, que no es otra que el propio Cristo». En estos ejemplos, es habitual que el zodiaco aparezca separado en dos mitades, representando el ciclo anual. Así, los signos ascienden desde el solsticio de invierno hasta el de verano, y luego descienden desde éste hasta el de invierno. En ocasiones, estos puntos de «cambio» aparecen simbolizados en la puerta mediante la representación de los dos «san Juan». No es extraño ver a san Juan Bautista y san Juan Evangelista, cuyas festividades coinciden, «casualmente», con las de los respectivos solsticios. Esta representación de los «Juanes» adquiere entonces un mensaje claro. Ambos señalan dos momentos clave de la historia de Cristo: uno anunciando su venida –el Bautista–, y otro anunciando la segunda venida –el Evangelista–. Y del mismo modo, su representación en los tímpanos –en ocasiones acompañando al zodíaco– anuncia la llegada de los solsticios, las dos fases del ciclo anual. Esta utilización iconográfica de los «dos Juanes» tampoco es casual. En los templos paganos se utilizaba la imagen de Jano (ver recuadro), un dios de dos rostros. Cada uno de ellos miraba en una dirección distinta, para señalar los dos solsticios. El símbolo del minotauro Muchos de los turistas que penetran en la catedral de Chartres se plantean la misma pregunta: ¿qué hace un laberinto, un símbolo pagano, representado en el pavimento de un templo cristiano? Este peculiar elemento podría pasar por una simple excentricidad de los constructores, si no fuera porque no se trata de un caso aislado. Decenas de templos de toda Europa poseen representaciones similares a las del laberinto de la catedral francesa. Y, al igual que los turistas, los historiadores todavía se preguntan cuál fue el auténtico significado y función de estas enigmáticas representaciones.

El laberinto de Chartres tiene un diámetro de 12,89 metros. Aquel que se aventuraba a recorrer su sinuoso trazado tenía que caminar unos 260 metros. Al alcanzar el centro –sin que hubiera posibilidad de perderse, ya que hay un único camino–, se encontraba con una losa central en la que aparecían representados Teseo y el Minotauro, figuras hoy desaparecidas.

En Amiens encontramos otro dédado similar. El que puede contemplarse en la actualidad –fruto de una restauración del siglo XIX– tiene 14 metros de diámetro, y posee un diseño octogonal. El centro del laberinto está ocupado por otro pequeño octógono, una losa con una cruz en su interior. En los extremos de ésta aparecen representados cuatro ángeles y, entre los brazos, se observan otras cuatro figuras. Una de ellas parece la de un obispo, mientras las otras representan a tres constructores. Uno de ellos porta en la mano una regla, mientras los otros dos sujetan una escuadra, un compás y un nivel.

En la actualidad, la hipótesis más aceptada entre los historiadores propone que estos laberintos cumplían una función muy concreta: servir de sustitución del peregrinaje a Jerusalén para aquellas personas que por diversas razones no pudieran recorrer el duro y peligroso camino que terminaba en Tierra Santa.

De este modo, el feligrés debía recorrer el laberinto de rodillas, lo que en el caso de un laberinto como el de Chartres –con una longitud de unos 250 metros– se convertía en un trayecto de una hora y media. El «peregrino» debía acompañar su desplazamiento con rezos y meditaciones, hasta que alcanzaba el ansiado centro, símbolo a la vez de Jerusalén (la terrena y la celestial) y de Dios.

Además de esta función de pseudoperegrinaje, algunos autores proponen también un posible uso como método de penitencia. Así, el pecador podía purgar las faltas cometidas, y al igual que el auténtico peregrino que alcanzaba Jerusalén, obtenía el perdón.

Los defensores de esta teoría se apoyan en que algunos de estos laberintos fueron conocidos también como Chemins de Jhérusalem (Caminos de Jerusalén).

Un detalle que podría servir para rechazar la hipótesis del «peregrinaje» es el hecho de que la longitud de algunos de estos laberintos es muy reducida. Ni siquiera recorriéndolos de rodillas resultarían lo suficientemente largos y duros como para justificar una pseudoperegrinación o una penitencia. Además, no hay que olvidar que ya existían laberintos en iglesias cristianas en épocas muy tempranas, como el de la iglesia de Orléansville –siglo IV–, cuando todavía no había una fuerte tradición de peregrinaje a Tierra Santa que justificase el uso de estos diseños para tal fin. De todos modos, es innegable que algunos de ellos fueron utilizados con esa finalidad. Sin embargo, nada impide que estas figuras tuvieran un doble sentido.

Para algunos autores, no existe ninguna duda de que los laberintos presentes en iglesias y catedrales son claras muestras de un mensaje hermético, lo que se manifiesta claramente en la inclusión habitual de un tema pagano como es el de la lucha entre Teseo y el Minotauro. Otros estudiosos, como Autran, han llamado la atención sobre el hecho de que muchas de estas creaciones coincidan en su distribución con construcciones megalíticas.

También se ha sugerido que la intención de estas figuras era inducir un estado alterado de conciencia en quienes las recorrían, ayudados por los múltiples giros de su trazado.

En otros casos, como en el del alquimista Fulcanelli y su célebre obra El misterio de las catedrales la interpretación es en sentido alquímico: «La imagen del laberinto se nos presenta como emblemática del trabajo entero de la Obra, con sus dos mayores dificultades: la del camino que hay que seguir para llegar al centro (donde se libra el duro combate entre las dos naturalezas) y la del otro camino que debe enfilar el artista para dirigirse a aquél. Aquí es donde se necesita el hilo de Ariadna, si no quiere extraviarse en los meandros de la Obra y verse incapaz de salir». Así, el laberinto de los templos góticos se convierte para Fulcanelli en un trazado iniciático que conduce a la iluminación.

in Akasico.com

Ancient sword discovered by a scuba diver off the coast of Israel may have been dropped in the sea by a Crusader knight 900 years ago

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An ancient sword discovered by a scuba diver off the coast of Israel may have been dropped in the sea by a Crusader knight 900 years ago, researchers claim.

The 3ft long weapon was found on the Mediterranean seabed in a natural cove near the port city of Haifa, according to the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA). 

Despite being encrusted with marine organisms, the hilt and handle were distinctive enough for an ‘eagle-eyed’ amateur diver to notice, after undercurrents apparently shifted sands that had concealed it for almost a millennia.

The natural cover in which the sword was discovered likely served as a shelter for seafarers passing through, said Kobi Sharvit, from the IAA marine archaeology unit. 

‘These conditions have attracted merchant ships down the ages, leaving behind rich archaeological finds,’ he said.

The sword, believed to be around 900 years old, will be put on display after it has been cleaned and restored to its former glory.

The sword was spotted about 650ft offshore near the city of Haifa and about 13ft deep and is in ‘remarkably good condition’, despite being over 900 years old.

Even though only its general shape can be seen, Sharvit is confident it dates back to the time of the Crusades. 

The Crusades were a series of religious wars fought between 1095 and 1291, in which Christian invaders tried to claim the near East. 

It was found among a range of other objects, including pottery fragments and a number of stone and metal anchors by diver Shlomi Katzin, who brought the blade to the surface and reported the find to the IAA, fearing it would be recovered if left.

‘The sword, which has been preserved in perfect condition, is a beautiful and rare find and evidently belonged to a Crusader knight,’ IAA’s Robbery Prevention Unit Inspector Nir Distelfeld told Jerusalem Post.

‘It was found encrusted with marine organisms but is apparently made of iron. 

‘It is exciting to encounter such a personal object, taking you 900 years back in time to a different era, with knights, armor and swords.’ 

The knight crusaders were spurred on by the desire to liberate holy sites from Muslim rule, encouraged by the Catholic Church and initiated by European nations.

Waters surrounding the Carmel Coast, near where the sword was discovered, were sailed by thousands of boats between the 11th and 13th centuries. 

There are many natural coves in the area that sheltered sailors, including crusading knights sailing in ships to the holy land, during a heavy storm.

‘Larger coves around which entire settlements and ancient port cities developed, such as Dor and Atlit,’ were also in the area, said Sharvit.

‘These conditions have attracted merchant ships down the ages, leaving behind rich archaeological finds. The recently recovered sword is just one such find.’

The site where the sword was found was already known to the IAA because it was used as a natural anchor point going back as far as 4,000 years ago — to the late Bronze Age. 

‘Underwater surveying is dynamic,’ said Sharvit. ‘Even the smallest storm moves the sand and reveals areas on the seabed, meanwhile burying others. 

‘It is therefore vitally important to report any such finds and we always try to document them in situ, in order to retrieve as much archaeological data as possible.’ 

in dailymail.co.uk

Podemos Precisar de Si – 2021

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O Verão de 2021 tem sido marcado por violentos incêndios florestais em várias regiões do Mediterrâneo, incluindo partes da Turquia, Itália, Espanha e Grécia. Grandes áreas de floresta foram devastadas, habitações, explorações agrícolas e industriais arrasadas pelo fogo, tendo-se registado múltiplas vítimas mortais.

Em Portugal a época de incêndios é habitualmente severa. Em resposta às necessidades das forças de Protecção Civil e Bombeiros, os Templários do Algarve reuniram ao seu redor os esforços de muitos irmãos e irmãs de todo o país numa operação realizada durante os incêndios de Monchique em 2018 que resultou na criação de um Centro Logístico permanente para activação situações idênticas [templars.wordpress.com/2018/08/07/podemos-precisar-de-si/].

Um incêndio florestal de grandes proporções tem lavrado nos Concelhos de Castro Marim, Vila Real de Santo António e Tavira nas últimas 48 horas, assolado por ventos fortes e ameaçando habitações e populações em várias localidades.

À última contagem estavam envolvidos no combate às diversas frentes do incêndio mais de 600 bombeiros, muitas dezenas de viaturas e 5 meios aéreos. A área ardida ultrapassava já os 9.000 hectares numa taxa de expansão de 650 hectares por hora.

Ao longo das últimas horas foram lançados diversos apelosc oficiais para a disponibilização de bens de apoio aos operacionais no terreno. Apesar da resposta pronta das diversas Autarquias e Associações locais, a situação tem-se agravado, pelo que o Templar Corps considera relevante activar o seu Centro Logístico e colocar-se ao serviço das populações locais e das forças de Protecção Civil.


Apelamos a todos os nossos membros, amigos, simpatizantes e a todas as pessoas preocupadas com a situação dos incêndios florestais a contribuir com bens do seguinte teor:

  • – Garrafas de água
  • – Leite
  • – Bolachas
  • – Enlatados
  • – Barras de energia
  • – Toalhitas húmidas
  • – Soro fisiológico
  • – Meias
  • – Luvas de trabalho
  • – Medicamentos não sujeitos a receita médica


ATENÇÃO: Não são aceites contribuições em dinheiro; apenas os géneros elencados acima.

As contribuições em género poderão ser entregues nos seguintes locais:

Contacto: Rui Herdadinha, tel / mail

Sede do Corpo de Serviço Templário – Algarve
Rua dos Serralheiros, Lote 3, Sitio do Pateiro Zona Industrial, 8400-651 Parchal
Contacto: Jorge Amador, tel: 96.701.78.36
Facebook: facebook.com/TemplarCorpsAlgarve/

Recolha a fazer na 5ª feira, pelas 18h no parque da Gare do Oriente
Contacto: Miguel da Fabiana, tel: 91.750.04.02


Pode encontrar o Apelo Oficial do Templar Corps International AQUI.

Pode encontrar o Documento de Apelo AQUI.




Jornal de Notícias

Fr+ William MacCallum, former Archivist of the Magisterial Council of the OSMTHU passes away

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It’s with great sadness that we receive news of the passing of Fr+ Robert MacCallum of the Grand Priory of Australia. Fr+ MacCallum served as a member of the Magisterial Council as Archivist since 1999, under Master Fernando de Toro-Garland and later under Master Antonio Paris.

Fr+ Andrew Foster of Tasmania, Australia, says “William was taken into a nursing home in about August/September last year he started out with early signs of Alzhiemers Disease. He suffered a number of falls causing his condition to slowly worsen. Late September early October he was rushed to hospital and was diagnosed with cancer.”

For many years Fr+ MacCallum has been one of the most respected and beloved members of the Order internationally. His contribution to the compilation of the early Statutes and Bylaws of the OSMTHU was fundamental. His absence will be missed by all. Our prayers go to Sr. Anne, family, friends and brethren in Australia.

Middle Ages Merlin manuscript found in Bristol University library

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Fragments of a manuscript from the Middle Ages which tell the story of Merlin the magician from Arthurian legend have been found in a library.

Seven hand-written fragments were found by the University of Bristol’s special collections librarian.

Specialists analysing the pieces said they contained “subtle but significant” differences from the traditional story.

“We are all very excited to discover more,” said Dr Leah Tether, of the International Arthurian Society.

The pieces of parchment were discovered by librarian Michael Richardson, who recognised a number of Arthurian names and contacted Dr Tether.

The newly-discovered text has longer, more detailed descriptions of various characters particularly during battles.

“These fragments of the story of Merlin are a wonderfully exciting find, which may have implications for the study not just of this text but also of other related and later texts that have shaped our modern understanding of the Arthurian legend,” said Dr Tether.

The books in which the fragments were found were all printed in Strasbourg between 1494 and 1502.

A team of experts will try to find out how and when the books came to England in order to be able to trace the origin of the parchments.

Dr Tether said: “Time and research will reveal what further secrets about the legends of Arthur, Merlin and the Holy Grail these fragments might hold.”

She added it was “all the more special” to find the fragments in the South West because of its locations made famous by the Arthurian legend.

in bbc.com/news

VN Barquinha acolhe II Conferência Internacional sobre Templários

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Depois do sucesso da 1ª conferência internacional sobre “Ordem do Templo – Cavalaria Espiritual – Templarismo”, realizada em outubro de 2019 em Vila Nova da Barquinha, o município anunciou para dia 13 de outubro o arranque da II Conferência Internacional, com evocação do 13 de outubro de 1307, data relevante para a história templária.

“Quando se fala em Vila Nova da Barquinha, falamos de património, história, paisagem e memória. Aqui encontramos um dos ex-libris da Ordem do Templo e dos Cavaleiros Templários – o Castelo de Almourol, fortaleza medieval, numa ilha cercada pelo rio Tejo, símbolo de prestígio e um marco na história de Portugal. Todos os recursos a ele associados, com a junção do Centro do Interpretação Templário de Almourol e da Biblioteca Templária, agregam parâmetros de qualidade que permitem ajudar ao desenvolvimento uma nova imagem turística da região na Europa e no mundo. Por isso a 2.ª conferência internacional é tão importante para nós”, disse ao mediotejo,net o presidente do município de Vila Nova da Barquinha, Fernando Freire.

Vão participar na II Conferência anual Luis Miguel Preto Batista, Marta Ataíde, Nuno Villamariz Oliveira, Virgílio Alves, Ernesto Jana, Manuel J. Gandra, Luís de Matos, Luís Fonseca, João Pedro Silva, António Paris (Itália), Victor Padilla Nieto, (Espanha), Marija Karbic e Damir Karbic (Croácia), sendo as intervenções publicadas em formato digital.

“Devido à situação e pandemia que vivemos todas as intervenções serão em formato on-line. Todavia, em Vila Nova da Barquinha, será feita a evocação singela do 13 de outubro de 1307, data em que Filipe IV “O Belo” prende em França os cavaleiros templários pretendendo derrubar a Ordem. Estarão presentes um número restrito de membros e serão cumpridas as normas da DGS para eventos culturais”, avançou Fernando Freire.

Por fim será inaugurada, em 18 de novembro, a exposição sobre o tema “A Morte – Exéquias e Ritos de Tumulação dos Cavaleiros do Templo e de Cristo” esta já com abertura ao público.

Em 2019, recorde-se, reuniram-se naquela vila ribeirinha, de 11 a 13 de outubro, os maiores especialistas mundiais na temática Templária, com oradores oriundos de França, Itália, Espanha, Estados Unidos e Portugal.

O evento serviu para unir as duas principais organizações mundiais de Templários, a Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolimitani Universalis (OSMTHU) e a Ordre Sovereign et Militaiire du Temple de Jerusalem (OSMTJ), que ali assumiram o compromisso de trabalhar em conjunto no plano cultural, usando o Centro de Interpretação Templário (CITA) da Barquinha como “lugar de estudo, discussão e partilha de conhecimentos”.

Por Mário Rui Fonseca; Mediotejo.net

The Knights Templar Rulebook Included No Pointy Shoes and No Kissing Mom

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Their code of conduct was designed to keep the warrior-knights humble, chaste and—most of all—obedient.

How often do we get a nitty-gritty view into the daily life of a medieval knight—one based on fact and not misty mythology?

The Templars, founded in 1119 as a band of poor, pious knights, have been romantically reimagined in art, literature, film and folklore for centuries. The fact that they were shockingly villainized and disbanded in 1307—after a dizzying rise to wealth and power—only added to their legendary mystique.

But the brotherhood did leave its share of concrete historic record. Perhaps most fascinating: “The Rule of the Templars,” which outlined a detailed code of conduct governing every aspect of daily life, including clothing (spartan), meals (mostly silent), sleeping arrangements (austere), social restrictions (ample). There’s a good-sized section on penance, which was especially important for maintaining the order’s all-important discipline. The first draft, composed in 1129, dictated 68 rules designed to keep Templar knights on a tight leash, reflecting their vows of poverty, chastity and especially obedience. As the order grew bigger, more wealthy and more militarized, its disciplinary code expanded to several hundred rules and became increasingly complex.

Written in Latin and French by various authors over the course of a century and a half, the original rules documents no longer exist. But they are known through subsequent translations.

And what happened to knights when the rules weren’t followed? According to the code, comeuppance ranged from corporal punishment to losing one’s habit (knight’s robes) to banishment from the brotherhood. Lesser infractions sometimes required the sinner to eat his meals on the floor.

Below, a few of the more notable Templar rules:


Two to a bowl
*Because of the shortage of bowls, the brothers will eat in pairs, so that one may study the other more closely, and so that neither austerity nor secret abstinence is introduced into the communal meal. And it seems just to us that each brother should have the same ration of wine in his cup.

Meat in moderation
*It should be sufficient for you to eat meat three times a week, except at Christmas, All Saints, the Assumption, and the feast of the twelve apostles. For it is understood that the custom of eating flesh corrupts the body.

No leaving the table—unless it’s a real emergency
*If the brothers are eating at table and any of them suffers a nosebleed, or the war cry is raised, or there is a fire or the horses are unsettled, to avoid harm to the house, they may get up from the table without permission, for all these things, and then return to eating at the table if they wish.

When in the proverbial doghouse, eat on the floor
*While a brother is on penance…when he eats, he should sit on the ground before the household.

Napkin use: It’s complicated 
*On Good Friday, all the brothers should fast on bread and water and eat without a napkin; moreover, the tables should be washed before the bread is put on them; and brothers of the Temple should eat without a napkin on no other day unless it is in penance on the floor, for then should eat on a piece of his mantle and without a napkin.


Wearing chastity on your sleeve
*All brothers’ habits should always be of one color, that is, white or black or brown. And we grant all knight brothers in winter and in summer, if possible, white cloaks…so that those who have abandoned the life of darkness will recognize each other to being reconciled to their creator by the sign of the white habits: which signifies purity and complete chastity.

Keeping it humble
*These robes should be without finery and without any show of pride…No brother will have a piece of fur on his clothes…And if any brother out of feeling of pride or arrogance wishes to have as his due a better and finer habit, let him be given the worst.

Forbidden footwear
*We prohibit pointed shoes and shoe-laces and forbid any brother to wear them… For it is manifest and well known that these abominable things belong to pagans.

Warm-weather alternatives
*Among the other things, we mercifully rule that, because of the great intensity of the heat which exists in the East, from Easter to All Saints, through compassion and in no way as right, a linen shirt shall be given to any brother who wishes to wear it.

The well-dressed head
*No brother may wear a hood on his head. No brother may wear a coif without a cloth cap.

Of horses, humility and hand-me-downs
*We utterly forbid any brother to have gold or silver on his bridle, nor on his stirrups, nor on his spurs. If it happens that a harness is given to him in charity which is so old that the gold or silver is tarnished, that the resplendent beauty is not seen by others nor taken pride in them: then he may have them.

Take care of it…or lose it
*No brother should hang his mantle round his bed on hooks, for each brother is obliged to honor his habit.

*If a brother tears or gives back his habit willingly, he should not recover it for a year and a day.



Watch out for the ladies
*The company of women is a dangerous thing, for by it the old devil has led many from the straight path to Paradise. Henceforth, let not ladies be admitted into the house of the Temple, that is why, very dear brothers, henceforth it is not fitting to follow this custom, that the flower of chastity is always maintained among you.

Even mom and dear aunt Heloise
*We believe it to be a dangerous thing for any religious to look too much upon the face of woman. For this reason none of you may presume to kiss a woman, be it widow, young girl, mother, sister, aunt or any other; and henceforth the Knighthood of Jesus Christ should avoid at all costs the embraces of women, by which men have perished many times, so that they may remain eternally before the face of God with a pure conscience and sure life.

They meant it
*If a brother is found guilty of lying with a woman, and we hold guilty the brother who is found in a wicked place or in a wicked house with a wicked woman, he may not keep the habit and so he should be put in irons, nor shall he ever carry the piebald banner or take part in the election of a Master.

Don’t even talk about the fairer sex
*We prohibit and firmly forbid any brother to recount to another brother nor to anyone else….the pleasures of the flesh that he has had with immoral women; and if it happens that he hears them told by another brother, he should immediately silence him; and if he cannot do this, he should straightaway leave that place and not give his heart’s ear to the pedlar of filth.

Kids? Avoid them too
*We forbid all brothers henceforth to dare to raise children over the font and none should be ashamed to refuse to be godfathers or godmothers; this shame brings more glory than sin.


Jesus hearts a well-behaved brother
*In order to carry out their holy duties and gain the glory of the Lord’s joy and to escape the fear of hell-fire, it is fitting that all brothers who are professed strictly obey their Master. For nothing is dearer to Jesus Christ than obedience.

Master, may I have a bath?
*No brother may bathe, let blood, take medicine, go into town or ride a horse without permission.

On a tight leash…even for small adjustments
*No brother may shorten his stirrup leathers, nor his girth, nor his sword belt, nor his breech-girdle without permission; but he may adjust his buckle without permission.

Ask first before using straps
*No brother should carry his hauberk (chainmail tunic) or his iron hose in a bag, neither in a guarelle nor in a profinel, but he should carry it in a leather or wire mesh bag; moreover, he should not hang the wire mesh bag by the straps in order to carry his hauberk, but he should carry it in his hand for as long as he or a sergeant can each hold it; and with permission he may hold it or hang it by the straps.

Careful with that gear
*No brother may throw his lance without permission, nor may he repair his sword without permission, nor his chapeau de fer (wide-brimmed helmet), nor his coat of mail, nor throw his chapeau de fer.

Here today…gone tomorrow…deal with it
*The Master shall give to whomsoever he pleases the horse and armor and whatever he likes of another brother, and the brother to whom the given thing belongs should not become vexed or angry: for be certain that if he becomes angry he will go against God.

Keeping outside influences at bay
*Without the consent of the Master or of his commander, let no brother have letters from his relative or any other person; but if he has permission, and if it please the Master or the commander, the letters may be read to him.

Poverty isn’t just a concept
*None may carry or keep money without permission. When a brother asks any brother…for money to buy something, he should buy as soon as possible that for which he asks it, and he may not buy anything else without permission.

You can’t take it with you anyway
*If it happens that a brother dies, and money is found on him, in his habit or night clothes or in his pouch, it will be considered his and stolen. And these wicked brothers should not be buried with the other good brothers who have gone from this world, nor should they be placed in hallowed ground, and the brothers are not obliged to say paternosters for them, nor to perform the office that they should perform for a dead brother; but they should have him buried like a slave.

Fixer-uppers okay
*If a brother builds a new house of stone or lime without the permission of the Master or of the Commander of the Land, the habit is at the discretion of the brothers, whether to take it from him or let him keep it. But other ruined houses he may repair without permission.



Beware brothers in the dark
*And if possible, the house where they sleep and take lodging should not be without light at night, so that shadowy enemies may not lead them to wickedness, which God forbids them.

Expect major penance…
*If a brother is tainted with the filthy, stinking sin of sodomy, which is so filthy and so stinking and so repugnant that it should not be named.

Maybe it’s best to bundle up at bedtime
*You should always sleep in a shirt and breeches and in woolen hose, and belted with a small belt; and you should have on your bed three pieces of linen, that is to say a bag in which to put straw and two sheets, and in place of one sheet you may have a light blanket if the Draper wishes to give it to you.


Charge in battle only with a commander’s say-so
*If a brother who is in battle charges without permission, and harm comes of it, the habit is at the discretion of the brothers, whether to take it from him or let him keep it. But if he sees a Christian in peril of death, and his conscience tells him that he can help him, he may do so. But in no circumstances should a brother of the Temple charge without permission.

Beware banner infractions
*If a brother of the Temple who carries the banner in battle lowers it in order to strike, and no harm comes of it, the habit is at the discretion of the brothers, whether to take it from him or let him keep it. And if he strikes with it and harm comes of it, he may not keep his habit, and so it may be decided to put him in irons; he may never carry the banner or be a commander in battle

Save a life? Fine, keep quiet
*And if it happens by chance that any Christian acts foolishly, and any Turk attacks him in order to kill him, and he is in peril of death, and anyone who is in that area wishes to leave his squadron to help him, and his conscience tells him that he can assist him, he may do so without permission, then return to his squadron quietly and in silence.



Holy relics need special attention
*When the True Cross is transported by horse, the Commander of Jerusalem and the ten knights should guard it day and night, and should camp as near to the True Cross as they can for as long as the journey lasts; and each night two brothers should keep watch over the True Cross; and if it happens that camp is established, everyone should lodge with the convent.

Staying within bell range
*When the brothers are in camp they should not go out for pleasure without permission, except as far as they can hear the call or the bell, nor even to their dwellings, except as far as they can hear the bell. Nor may they even carry any baggage on their horses, near or far, without permission.

No rogue hunting
*And let it be known that the brother should not search for any food except what is given communally, except green vegetables from the fields, or fish if they know how to catch them themselves, or wild animals if they know how to take them without hunting, in such a way that they do not transgress the commandments of the house.

Share with your neighbor
*Each brother may give some of the food in front of him to the other brothers around him, as far as he can stretch his arm, but no farther; and always he who has the best should invite the one who has the worst.


A head held high
*Each brother should strive to live honestly and to set a good example to secular people and other orders in everything, in such as way that those who see him cannot notice anything bad in his behavior, not in his riding, nor in his walking, nor in his drinking, nor in eating nor in his look, nor in any of actions and work. And especially should each brother strive to conduct himself humbly and honestly when he hears the office of Our Lord.

Brothers should be seen…
*When the brothers come out of compline (night prayers) they have no permission to speak openly except in an emergency. But let each go to his bed quietly and in silence.

Stick it out at chapel
*Each brother is required to hear the hours in their entirety, and no brother should leave the chapel until these hours are finished, except for a task which he cannot avoid, or if he goes in search of the one who has the place next to him in the chapel, whom he should seek if he has not come when the office is begun, and so he should look for him at least in his bed or with his horses.


Note to squires: Be charitable
*To each knight brother we grant three horses and one squire, and if that squire willingly serves charity, the brother should not beat him for any sin he commits.

Beat, yes; maim, no
*No craftsman brother, neither one from the prison, nor any other, should strike a slave in such a way that he places irons round his neck without permission, if he has deserved it; none should should put him in a pillory nor pierce him with a sword without permission; but he should beat him and may without permission with a leather strap if he has deserved it, but he should take care not to maim him.



Gambling (without money, of course)
*None should place a wager, not on a horse nor anything else, except an arrow without iron, or anything else which does not cost him or anyone else money, like an open lantern, or wooden mallet, or camping or tent pegs….And each brother of the Temple may wager against another brother, with his crossbow, ten pieces of candle without permission, but no more.

Board games banned
*No brother should play chess, backgammon or eschaçons.


The paupers’ feet
*Wherever the Master is on Maundy Thursday (the Thursday before Easter), he should wash the feet of 13 paupers, and should give to each of them shirt and breeches, two loaves of bread, two deniers and a pair of shoes. And if he is in a place where he does not have them, when he comes to the first of the house of the Temple where he has them, he should give them, for love of God.

Clean them til they’re kissable
*And the brother should wash the paupers’ feet and dry them with the towels, and afterwards kiss their feet humbly. And let it be known that the Almoner should ensure that those paupers who are to be washed do not have any vile disease on their feet or legs; for perhaps it could bring illness to a brother’s body.


Taking to the floor
*Of all the brothers who are given a penance in the presence of the Master, none may rise from the floor unless he is raised by him; and the brothers may pardon them from manual labor and fasting, but may not raise them from the floor and Friday fasting.

Toe the line or else
*If a brother refuses to carry out the commandment of the house and persists in the folly and does not wish to carry out the commandments he has been given, the habit should be taken from him and should be put in irons.

No cross for you! 
*When a brother is on penance….he should work with the slaves, and when he eats he should sit on the ground before the household and eat of their food, and always wear a cope (heavy hooded cloak) without a cross.

Hands off the brothers
*If a brother lays his hands on another brother out of anger or wrath, he should not keep his habit; and if the blow is serious, he may be put in irons.

Or a fellow Christian
*Whoever strikes a Christian man or woman with a sharp weapon, or with a stone or staff, or anything a blow from which could kill or wound him, the habit is at the mercy of the brothers.

Going AWOL
*If a brother leaves the house and sleeps two nights outside the house, he loses his habit, and he may not recover it for a year and a day. And if he keeps the things which are forbidden, more than two nights, he is expelled from the house.


La misteriosa relación de la casa más antigua de Toledo y los templarios

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La casa del Temple, la que podría ser la casa más antigua de Toledo mejor conservada (data de los siglos XI-XII), podrá visitarse este sábado 18 de marzo de forma gratuita, tras la última restauración realizada en los alfarjes de su planta primera, compuestos por vigas «de las más antiguas de España».

La jornada gratuita de puertas abiertas forma parte del programa «Patrimonio desconocido», impulsada por el Consorcio dentro de las actividades organizadas con motivo del 30 Aniversario de Toledo Ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad, según ha informado el Ayuntamiento una en nota de prensa. Cada mes se visita y se da a conocer un espacio histórico rehabilitado que normalmente está cerrado al público. El último fue la fuente de Cristina Iglesias en el Convento de Santa Clara.

Rosana Rodríguez, concejala de Turismo, asegura que uno de los objetivos del 30 aniversario es abrir espacios desconocidos para «el disfrute» de los toledanos y también de los turistas y que, gracias a ello, se puede conocer una representación de la arquitectura civil de los siglos XI y XII salvada después de «tantos» siglos de historia. En este caso, la jornada de puertas abiertas se celebrará el sábado 18 de marzo, de 10:00 a 14:00 y de 16:00 a 18:00 horas, en la calle Soledad, número 2.

La cruz de Malta, en una de las ventanas de la Casa Temple
La cruz de Malta, en una de las ventanas de la Casa Temple

El Consorcio ha intervenido para llevar a cabo la restauración de los alfarjes de la planta primera que «no se habían terminado de limpiar y proteger» en la rehabilitación de 1997, en la que parte del artesonado de la Casa del Temple, según ha avanzado el presidente del Consorcio de Toledo, Manuel Santolaya, está compuesto por «vigas de las más antiguas de España».

Santolaya ha explicado que se trata de un «sitio excepcional» que tiene relación con el palacio de la Aljafería de Zaragoza y la iglesia de San Millán de Segovia y que incluso alguna de sus piezas, en concreto una alacena mudéjar, se encuentra en el museo británico.

Detalle de uno de los rincones de la Casa del Temple
Detalle de uno de los rincones de la Casa del Temple– LUNA REVENGA

El propietario de este antiguo palacio islámico, declarado Bien de Interés Cultural, Amador Valdés, ha asegurado que «seguramente es la casa más antigua de Toledo mejor conservada», en la que destacan sus zócalos de pinturas bícromas y sus estructuras de madera, «las mejores conservadas in situ del país», en las que han aparecido policromías que estaban ocultas tras la última restauración.

Casa del Temple
Casa del Temple– LUNA REVENGA

El propietario ha indicado que hay muchas leyendas que relacionan la Casa del Temple con la Orden de los Templarios pero ninguna oficial y ha dicho que en el siglo XIX, el historiador Amador de los Ríos ya denominó este espacio como Casa del Temple, al igual que Benito Pérez Galdós en su novela «Ángel Guerra».

Durante el siglo XIX, se conservaba además de la Casa del Temple, que ocupaba «toda la manzana», la Casa de la Parra, hoy desaparecida, que era donde se ubicaba «supuestamente la alacena del Temple», exportada a Londres tiempo después.

in ABC.es

A bird’s eye view of Cressing Temple

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This aerial shot shows a different view of an ancient site built for the Knights Templar.

A camera mounted on a drone took a series of photos of Cressing Temple, between Braintree and Witham, showing the oak barns built during the 13th century, and the Tudor walled garden.

Rebecca Ashbey, a horticulturalist at Essex County Council, which owns the site, said: “The photos were taken by a member of staff who had a drone for Christmas.

“The pictures really show the structure of the garden off to great effect.”


in maldonandburnhamstandard.co.uk