International Templar Convent in Croatia

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The International Templar Convent, held last weekend from the tenth to the twelfth of May in Zagreb and the Old Town of Ozalj, gathered Templar knights from several European Grand Priories and the Grand Priory of the USA. The event was organized by the Croatian Order of Knights Templar – Grand Priory – O.S.M.T.H.U.

During the multi-day events, which aimed to introduce the rich European Templar heritage and promote Christian and knightly principles in society, discussions also covered cooperation between priories from different countries on concrete humanitarian and cultural projects and programs. At the Templar Conference held in Zagreb, presided over by representatives of the international Magisterial Council – the Grand Prior of the Croatian Templars Lovro Tomašinec and the Grand Prior of the USA John von Blauch, the topics included strengthening humanitarian efforts in society with a focus on healthcare, with a special presentation by Dr. Peter Canaris. The Templar Corps International was represented by Grand Prior Lovro. A Templar delegation from Serbia, led by a Grand Prior Nenad Davidovic O.S.M.T.H., had a lot of key insights and propositions on how to further better some of the aspects of a previously mentioned project.

Other special guests and dignitaries of the Order that attended the Conference were Grand Chancellor of the Grand Priory of the USA, Fr. C. Robert Davis, Croatian born Fr. David Laganis of New Jersey, and Brother Dr. Richard Van Doren and his lovely wife Sister Nancy Van Doren. Brother Richard is a Grand Officer of the Royal Order of Scotland, a Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the 33rd degree of the Ancient Scottish Rite, Emeritus Past Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of the Knights Templar of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and now, along with his sister Nancy, is a member of the OSMTHU’s Grand Priory for the United States of America. 

The idea of “New Jerusalem” is an ongoing topic that sparks discussions as well as future projects. It promises to continue to build stronger bonds between various branches of the Templar Order throughout the world, through the promotion of a common ideal and vision that strives for a world beyond division, ever more harmonious and resolved to the protection and promotion of all human life.

As with Francis Bacon’s seminal work, the New Atlantis, the New Jerusalem is a Holy City that is nothing less than a united world wherein humanity prospers and thrives for each other, and the Glory of the source of Creation.

In the Old Town of Ozalj, where the high guests were greeted by the Deputy Prefect of Karlovac, Vesna Hajsan Dolinar, a cultural-educational event open to the public was held under the name “Preservation of Knightly Values and Croatian Historical Heritage.” The first panel in this historic building dealt with Christian knighthood in contemporary society, featuring participants: Grand Prior Lovro Tomašinec, Dr. Božo Skoko, a university professor who has been studying Croatian and European identity for years, and Dr. Damir Jelić, former Prefect of Karlovac, now a professor at the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences and head of the Croatian Catholic Association “MI” Academy, which studies the spiritual foundation of leadership and gathers young people aspiring to act in public life from various political beliefs.

The second panel was dedicated to the role of St. George in knightly traditions, with lectures by Dr. Richard van Doren and John von Blauch. Guests from around the world were delighted with Ozalj Castle above the Kupa River, which testifies to the heritage of the famous Zrinski and Frankopan families, and is cared for by the Brotherhood of the Croatian Dragon. They also familiarized themselves with Templar traces in Croatia, on which this knightly order in Croatia published a scientific monograph a few years ago titled “History of the Templars in Croatian Territories.” Indeed, across Croatia, there are remains of rich Templar heritage that still need to be valued and revealed to the domestic and European public, where interest in this mystical monastic knightly order is continually growing. For example, it is little known that Zagreb has a special place on the Templar map of Europe, as Templar estates existed in the area of today’s Nova Ves in the Middle Ages, even when they were banned in Europe, showing once again that Croatia was responsible and prudent, given that the true intention of banning this ecclesiastical knightly order was only discovered centuries later.

There are so many historical facts about the Templar Order, that one can dedicate themselves almost exclusively to their investigation and promotion,  yet the real mystery of the Templar Order does not tether itself to historical anecdotes or theories, but in the practice of the Virtues of Chivalry and embodying the reality of what it is to be a veritable Knight of God:

“To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”, Micah VIII

Love in its purest essence is Action, and it is through such Charity that the true work of a Knight is wrought, and the Spirit of Christ flows.